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  1. effloresce


    every other day, sometimes every 3 days, my fish are troopers.
  2. effloresce

    29 Gallon Reef

    no thats alright!
  3. effloresce

    Something other than hermits

    yeah Nassarius snails rock! but make sure you get Nassarius Vibex and not Nassarius Obsoleta they are different obsoltea snails are colder water cnails, and dont do that great in out tank, they tend to work slower, and not as much as Vibrex Vibrex nassarius snails are small grey with a shell...
  4. effloresce

    29 Gallon Reef

    Hey, get some FInger leathers. They are so very hardy and grow very rapidly, and are very easy to propogate, and split. The same about Mushrooms. They are relatively cheaper and grow rapidly and can be split often to double+ the amount you started with. Colt corals are very hardy too and does...
  5. effloresce

    Water Pump question

    wont affect water flow direcly, but things can get caught, slowing down the impeller, or preventing water to enter.
  6. effloresce

    phosphate level

    I dont have any pictures of them, on reefcentral under the SPS section, they have lots though. yeah stilla clean up drew like Hemrit crabs, emerald crabs, astrea snails, but not burrowing inverts like Conchs, cucmbers, nassarius snails, or jawfish/sand gobys...
  7. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    get a betetr light set? you cant even afford or maintain your 125!!!
  8. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    yes they are worms, but they still need light...
  9. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    nope not enough, your talking about a Normal Output bulb that comes with the tank, those cuk, you can keep anything uner those, they do NOT benifit corals AT ALL
  10. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    with PC bulbs, i would say, 6-7 watts per gallon. altough water par gallon isnt a good esamit, because it depends on how old the bulb it, what kinds your using, what kind of fixtur/ballast and reflector.
  11. effloresce

    phosphate level

    sure i dont mind
  12. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    yeah condys and curly q anemones, including Tube anemones that are really anemones(filter food out of water colum) but clowns will hardly ever host these, your lucky if youw ould, Bubble tip anemones can live under VHO and PC but still need a very mature tank.
  13. effloresce

    phosphate level

    YES! bare bottom tanks ROCK! literaly the least amount of build up, it still need matainice like siphoninh out deterius during a water change, or haveing powerheads blowing at the bottom to blow up the deterius up to the overflow were it gets taken out by the sump/fuge, you can buy "starboard...
  14. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    Originally posted by ivy2dw7 I know clownfish live in anemones and coral. What kind of lifestyle would be best for the gramma, clownfish and possibly the damsel to be in? Also don't forget the cleaner shrimp. a reef, but they would do good in a FOWLR, but in a small tank (yours) you want a...
  15. effloresce

    is this ok to order

    Live plankton is expensiv,e the best plankton on the market (DT plankton) is $10 for 3 oz, i gorw my own plankton, it was only $15 up front for supplies, but it takes a month or so to geta ready supply of it, i have LAOT of plankton! e-mail me and i will give you a site to find the supplies...
  16. effloresce

    is this ok to order

    live plankton is best, is your stuff live?
  17. effloresce

    new to saltwater!

    NO TANG! they need alot of swimming room, and they DONT stunt in growth, they grow FAST! clowns, gramma, and a damsel would work (damsels are aggressive though and might kill your other fish) there is a thing called "bioload " in SW tanks, with to big of a bioload the fish wills ufficate, and...
  18. effloresce

    phosphate level

    you CC is the cuprit, CC trapes uneaten foods and turns them into Nitrates, then into phosphates, TAKE OUT THE CC and replace it with live sand. CC is the root of all evil in the marine hobby, :) and you dont have enough lights, PC bulbs arent good for larger tanks, DO research on "VHO" bulbs...
  19. effloresce

    Fish don't like my tank

    i do
  20. effloresce

    is this ok to order

    flames are heavy filter feeders, they need alot of plankton, usualy dont have a high survival rate.