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  1. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    I actually split in half with no problems, thank you. Look what popped out of it, I am trying to find out what kind it is.
  2. cam78

    What kind of crab is this (Picture)

    I was breaking up a zoo rock and this popped out after I gave the rock a wack! Is it reef safe, should I put it back in the tank. What a hitchhiker!
  3. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Wow, that long, OK, I'm going in. Thanks for quick reply
  4. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Cool thanks, how long do you think I could keep the Zoos out of water for?
  5. cam78

    First pics of my 210!

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 No problem. I love helping people out around here. And that was deffinatly worth it cause those pics are really good. Cool then you go to my thread "cannon Power Shot A80 (Phot Help)" and give me some pointers. LOL, I think I need some help.
  6. cam78

    rockwork layout photos here!

  7. cam78

    Tell me whats wrong (Green Star Polyp)

    Yeah I really don't know what is going on, its weird. It always looked so healthy. The levels are good so I don't know what could have happened other than that lighting mistake.
  8. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Yeah but do I do this out of water? Also if I turn it upside down a wack it won't that damage the Zoos? It will crush it won't it? Do I lay it on something soft? Sorry for all the questions but I never did it before.
  9. cam78

    Cannon Power Shot A80 (Photo Help)

    Anyone else have any pointers with this camera?
  10. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Nah, it is real nice, just might be too big for my tank.
  11. cam78

    Tell me whats wrong (Green Star Polyp)

    Really? How long? My guy at the LFS suggested to move it because it may not like the spot. I really can't with out using some force because its attached to the rock I put it on. How long should I give it? Also thanks for the reply.
  12. cam78

    rockwork layout photos here!

    Oh yeah see that brown lump between the clown and the Brain, thats a Nassau Snail I got today. It is HUGE, the biggest I ever saw. I got two of them, the other is buried already.
  13. cam78

    rockwork layout photos here!

    Here are some full tank shots.
  14. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Oh here are some pixs of the Zoo Rock.
  15. cam78

    Tell me whats wrong (Green Star Polyp)

    This star polyp hasn't opened since Sunday. I think it was after it got too much light, being that I forgot to put the timer back on auto. I think it got over 24 hours of light. I think it would have opened by now, right? Terrible pics but gives you an idea.
  16. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    So what do I do? Turn it upside down and wack it with a screw driver and hammer? Do I take it out of water? Please give me steps of what to do. Thank you.
  17. cam78 Mod. please read

    Not for nothing, but for the people that are saying keep the 7000, you are wrong. If he wanted the 7000 he would have ordered it. If they do not pay for all the shipping it will be another strike for this site. I have heard a lot of horror stories so far and this would put the cherry on top...
  18. cam78

    rockwork layout photos here!

    Here's mine. I'll try to get a better one later, when sun goes down. I'm fooling around with my camera so i figured I would post it. I am open for constructive critisism.
  19. cam78

    Cannon Power Shot A80 (Photo Help)

    What size do you do to put on this site? 500 x ? Or what?
  20. cam78

    Cannon Power Shot A80 (Photo Help)

    Can't find Super fine but what do you do w/ flash?