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  1. cam78

    Cannon Power Shot A80 (Photo Help)

    Yeah, no tripod for me. I'm looking for what I should set the settings on, I think thats my problem. I don't know much about cameras, and I don't know where the guide is. Thank you for your help!
  2. cam78

    Cannon Power Shot A80 (Photo Help)

    Got the above camera and was wondering how to get better quality pics. Any help or suggestions? I don't know much about it. Step by step things to do would be Great! Thanks
  3. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    I would like to give a picture but I really don't know much about photography. I tried taking a picture but it dosen't come out right. Any suggestions? I have a Cannon Power Shot A80. I'm going to ask people, I'm going to start a thread on better picture quality and see if I can get any help.
  4. cam78

    Crazy question about Zoo Rock

    Is it at all possible to split a zoo rock? I'm not even sure if I would do it but the rock I just bought is rather large and would think about spliting it in half and selling the other half, or trade. I think it is called a Vietnamese zoo rock. I could be wrong though.
  5. cam78

    Protein Skimmer Help[

    HOB red sea prism deluxe. Not that exspensive.
  6. cam78

    Hermit Crabs?

    If you go to "reef packages" on this site (to your left side of the screen) it will give you a good idea of a clean up crew for your size tank. As for what coral and anemones you can get you have to tell us what lighting you have. Someone else can help you with that though.
  7. cam78

    Zoo Rock

    They were under MH and now under PC's. It looks like a couple here and there are the same color as what was in the store. Is that because those couple are maybe fully opened? Do you think that all will look like that soon or in a few days?
  8. cam78

    Zoo Rock

    I bought a Green zoo rock today and it has been in my tank for a few hours. My question is...It is opened but it appears not all the way because I see some that are REALLY bright green and all the rest are just dark green. Is this color because it is still adapting or what? I also see they...
  9. cam78

    chem pure

    Set it up with my new tank. Everything has been great ever since. Knock on wood, no deaths or any water problems. All my levels are always perfect.
  10. cam78

    Minimum order?

    I just realized, not only $79.00 minimum order but also another $10.00 for a processing fee--Come on, processing fee?
  11. cam78

    Am I Ok For Corals????

    I have had corals for a little while now and my tank is about 2 months old. I haven't had any problems with them because most of the ones I got are hardy. Green star polyp, leathers ect. I'm not saying I did it right and I am a know it all but as long as your levels have been established and...
  12. cam78

    rockwork layout photos here!

    Looks cool. Thats a pretty interesting sand bed. What size and who makes the tank? Is it Perfecto?
  13. cam78

    good skimmer???????

    I have the red sea prism deluxe. I like it I use it in the 46 gallon and it seems to get a great amount of scum. I haven't heard many people say much about it on this site but I like it.
  14. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    Wow that long huh? OK, will wait it out. Thanks for the responce. In the mean time I should just look for it to break down? That would be the sign of its death correct? Thanks for responce. All the tracks around here now have houses and condos. Quite depressing, riding quality has def gone...
  15. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    36" PC 1 96 watt actinic 03 blue compact 1 96 watt 10,000k daylight. If it helps.
  16. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    First of all, YZ 125, got love the other hobby! Secondly, yeah its still purple and seems to be in tact. It is completely closed up and hasn't opened since at least 4:00 PM Sunday. Let me find the watts of my lights and stuff. They are pretty strong for PC's I think.
  17. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    Thanks for your responce Michael, you always pull through for me. If you read my messages it explains exactly how I screwed up so it might give you a better understanding. I have PC's.
  18. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    Ohhhh Kayyyyy, still not open, any help? Nobody knows about these green star polyps?
  19. cam78

    should I feed my LR?

    No, he is referring to your snails and other critters attached to your LR. I really don't think you have to feed them, they are prob small enough that they will find food within the live sand and rock. No reason to feed, you will prob get more algae that way. Lr does not eat. Also you are...
  20. cam78

    Dead Coral?

    Could someone please move this to the "reef tank" message board. I appreciate everyones help, this might catch someones eye over there that could maybe give me another sugestion or two. Thank you