Search results

  1. aelene

    A few Frags FS in PA Lots of nice stuff,,,ZOO'S

    yeah.. what he said. is there any purple/green favia left? Would PC lighting support that? (dumb question sorry) Looking to ship to 75067.
  2. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by Smork81 I had posted allready about the livestock..My email is way up top but i will give it again just in case you missed my post..I am interested in the or Please reply if you will zip is 39581 silly i...
  3. aelene

    WTB Complete setup in Texas

    you've got mail
  4. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by albert7753 Intrested in : I am local send me an email with your contact info I can swing by no pictures needed. Just let me know my email I have a 180gal I am building and need rock and sand for the my fuge. sent!
  5. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by scarbone whats the gph on the pumps? ***) I will look this up saturday and have pics posted! :cheer:
  6. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by team2jndd I'm interested but wont be ready for it for another 2 weeks. Think you'll still have it? Probably... we'll have to see.
  7. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by Smork81 Is the livestock still available? Clown, Urchin, Shrimp ? yes and I want them to be the first to go. The Both tanks are running at this point, so I'd like to break them down.. livestock, then rock, equipment etc if it's going to be sold off in parts.
  8. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by TekDave How much for the 26g bow w/ stand? $125? It's a pretty decent setup. black stand, black painted back on the bowfront.
  9. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by team2jndd does the bak pak come with pump or preskimmer? Any pics? this is the design of the protein skimmer:
  10. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Originally Posted by scarbone what do you want for the powerheads? 6.99 each plus shipping? Comes out to $27.96 plus whatever shipping would be for the weight, maybe a few extra dollars. interested?
  11. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    ok pics are going to take a couple more days... until I can find my usb cord. :) Here's a line up.. 50 lbs live rock (fiji) with mushroom corals (various) 30(ish) lbs live sand 1 percula clown 1 cleaner shrimp 1 cake urchin 1 cpr bakpak protein skimmer (extra biobale) 2 aqua clear filters - one...
  12. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    I don't know if it's unreasonable or not, but I'd like $60.00 for the refractometer. I paid $100 for it - it's Milwaukee Instruments. With case and all parts. For the CPR Bakpak I'd like $35-40.00 and I'll ship it with a bag of extra biobale (new of course). no extra cost for shipping or...
  13. aelene

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Hi, I am looking to sell off my aquarium supplies. Money is very very tight so have to do the right thing and quit the hobby for now :( I have a 40g hex tank with approx 50 lbs of nice live rock (fiji premium. All from Dallas North Aquarium). Also a 26g bowfront tank. Live sand, some...
  14. aelene

    can fern caulerpa become toxic during shipment?

    That I can understand... but I would think if someone is ordering algae off a website and owns a sea horse tank that the know a thing or two about SW tanks. Why would they add this directly to their tank after shipment? Especially if they were concerned about the quality. I just don't get...
  15. aelene

    can fern caulerpa become toxic during shipment?

    I sold some on <insert auction site here> and the receiver said he put it in his tank and it killed as his dwarf sea horses. I don't see how that could have happened, any one know much about this?
  16. aelene

    Picture Contest for newbies

    Barry, awesome idea to do this for people... wish I would have come back to the site a little sooner! Kudos :cheer:
  17. aelene

    Manderine goby?

    Lawnmower blenny
  18. aelene

    Manderine goby?

    Originally Posted by Pat713 What kind of fish enjoy being cleaned? My LMB seems to really like it. :happyfish
  19. aelene

    My Updated 55 Gallon Tank

    you're much better off getting rid of it now if you can. cyano can and will spread in no time, especially during a cycle (brand new tank)