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  1. plumber

    Good deal?

    Hi , I think Ive figured it out. Would like to THANK everyone for thier help THANKS John
  2. plumber

    Good deal?

    Hi, I would love to check ice cap however I am new to this part and could really use some help. I know I need new ballast can I increase wattage in the same fixture with new ballast & Bulbs? Thanks John
  3. plumber

    Good deal?

    I tried to post in lighting dyi section. How do I upgrade this fixture and where do I get parts? Also the pc ballast is no good all help would be welcome. Thanks John
  4. plumber

    Odyssea lighting?

    Hi, Any help at all ? Thanks John
  5. plumber

    Odyssea lighting?

    Hi, Could someone please tell me what I would need to do to upgrade this light 2x175 watt hqi metal halide 2x96 watt pc. I am told they have less than adeqaute ballast ? If you could also lead me as to where to get parts needed.Original fixture has old magnetic ballast, also the pc ballast is...
  6. plumber

    Good deal?

    Hi , new better ballast? Why
  7. plumber

    Good deal?

    Hi , Is this a good deal 90 gal drilled tank w 30 gallon sump , mag 5 return pump, stand, 48" 2x175 watt metal halide 2x95 watt comp.fl.w 6 moon lights oddesea fixture. several powerheads & some misc. stuff 400.00 dollars Thanks John
  8. plumber

    My 90 gallon soon to be 180!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HI, Right now i am running compacts 4x65 and 2x55 works great on what I have at this point.
  9. plumber

    My 90 gallon soon to be 180!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HI Are you talking about fish or coral ?
  10. plumber

    My 90 gallon soon to be 180!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks to everyone here this is what I now have and love so much Im going bigger.
  11. plumber

    more of my 90 Just a few more to come soon
  12. plumber

    my 90 gallon
  13. plumber

    How do I add pictures?Please help.

    Hi all, I have been on for months and could not post pictures due to no camera,now I have one but do not know how to .Please help . John
  14. plumber

    How do I add pictures? Been on for months and now I can't add .

    Hi , Can anyone tell me how to add my pictures? I would love to share with all. Thanks John
  15. plumber


    Hi, Yes these are t5 lamps individualy reflected
  16. plumber


    Hi all, Looking into new light fixture for my 90 gallon tank. I currently have a assortment of shrooms, toadstools,zoos,zoas,a couple torch corals,live rock,and asst. fish. I am looking at a nova extreme pro 6x54 watts is this enough? Thanks John
  17. plumber

    pvc colors

    Hi , ABS is fine it is black in color take it from me . Plumber
  18. plumber

    Head Rot ?

    Hi , I removed tang and placed him in my 55 gal qt tank I believe a moment of silence will be at hand shortly. Partly my own fault to busy to do the things I should be doing relying on kids . To bad youth us wasted on the young sometimes .
  19. plumber

    Head Rot ?

    Hi, Water test results areas follows ; ammon 0, trites 0, trates 80 yes I need a water change. ph 8.0 , phos 0, kh 107.4 not good . 90 gallon tank with a 25 gallon sump w/ skimmer, multiple corals , 4 cleaner shrimp, 6 turbo, asst. small snails, 5 peppermint shrimp,2sallylightfoots, 1 coral...
  20. plumber

    Head Rot ?

    Hi, I looked at post yes this does appear to be the same . How or what should I do next ? Will this effect my other fish ? Thanks John