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  1. traib

    Need Fish Mentor, Tucson AZ

    When I lived in Tucson there was a local fish club. Ask LFS if their still around and go to meetings if they are. It was a good group when I lived there.
  2. traib

    Wierd Thing Just Happend

    I've had the same thing happen to me. Six lines can be jumpers especially if they are frightened. Cover your tank with egg crate or a canopy.
  3. traib

    need lighting info for a 20 gal reef tank??

    96W QUAD works for me.
  4. traib

    Cleaner clam

    Should have said, you can't see them once they settle in and bury themselves. That might take a day or two or it may happen over the first night.
  5. traib

    Cleaner clam

    They do not need light. They bury themselves in the substrate--you can see them. I have a DSB of sugar sized sand. I don't think 1/4" gravel would be good for them.
  6. traib

    Cleaner clam

    I haven't done anything for them since I put them in the tank. However, I do feed my invertebrates DT's and other invert food a bit of which I'm sure the clams get. They are filter feeders.
  7. traib

    Cleaner clam

    I have a few. They bury themselves in the sand so you can't see them but every once in a while you'll see puffs of sand and debris come up as the expel water from their syphon. I don't know if the help that much with nitrates, however.
  8. traib

    Peppermint shrimp?

    The shrimp actively search for food at night so you're not likely to see much going on during the day.
  9. traib


    Was a mouse malfunction.
  10. traib


    The macro algae I'm interested in having eaten is caulerpa.
  11. traib


    The macro algae I'm interested in having eaten is caulerpa.
  12. traib


    The macro algae I'm interested in having eaten is caulerpa.
  13. traib


    The macro algae I'm interested in having eaten is caulerpa.
  14. traib


    No this is a 65 gal. but its the same footprint as the 40 gal. I'm looking for a macro algae eater that's reef safe.
  15. traib

    Cucumber Injured?

    Checkout the inverts page on this site and click on yellow cucumber. If that looks like what you have, you have a filter feeder. Still think you have a fungus infection but not sure. Would need a picture for that. You could try Permafix, I think that's what it's called. It's an anti fugal and...
  16. traib

    Cucumber Injured?

    Sounds like you've got a sick (perhaps fungus infection) filter feeding cucumber. Yellow cucumbers are not ditritus feeders but filter feeders.
  17. traib


    Will a yellow tang and a naso tang get along in the same tank? Thanks for the advise in advance.
  18. traib

    yasha hase gobis

    Fishes seem to be, in general. the exception to the rule that diffeances in color represent sexual dimorphism especially in promenent parts of the body, for instance a peacock's tail. As the rays of the dosal fin with yasha hase gobis are promenent I thought that I found evidence of sexual...
  19. traib

    yasha hase gobis

    On closer inspection it may be that the gobi with only the white ray could have the beginnings of a black marking, but not sure. These guys are hidden most of the time and they reside at the back of the tank so it's difficult to see them well.
  20. traib

    yasha hase gobis

    Does anyone know--are yasha hase gobies sexually dimorphic? I have a pair, one of which has a long white dosal ray and the other has a long black and a long white dosal ray. Possible sexual dimorphism:notsure: