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  1. mopar9012

    Carne 125 (Work in progress)

    nice tank, more rock looks better. you said you used purple up? I read something on this site about going to a buddies tank or your own if you have some algea and scraping of some of the coraline algea and placing it in a container will a small amount of water for a couple of days and then pour...
  2. mopar9012

    Another one of my tanks

    i think the best way to put it is that it is like putting a roaming animal that travels large distances in a cage, it would go insane. Your fish might not have any signs of stress right now, he is still young and under some good care he will probably live for some time. maybe some months? i dont...
  3. mopar9012

    tapping into the water pipe?

    is there anyway I can set up an RO unit without tapping into the water pipe? Im in an apartment and thats probably frowned upon and Ive heard of hose adaptors...but I dont have a hose.. Ive looked for faucet(spelling?) adpaters at home depot and they have nothing that fits what I need.... i need...
  4. mopar9012

    ushio or phoenix?

    My 36 inch sunpod is comning in and Im trying to see which bulbs I get. LFS told me ushio would kick phoenix out of the water...I have no expierence with ushio but I like my phoenix when I had my retro kit over my 29.
  5. mopar9012

    best bulb....???

    Im about to be setting up my 65, just waiting on my sump then Im setting up the lights. I have a MH retro for two 175W single end bulbs. I used the pheonix over my 29, they dont make any 175W bulbs though. So what is the best bang for my buck, I didnt really want to spend over 60ish for each...
  6. mopar9012

    Territorial Clownfish

    what I have heard is gennerally the bigger one is the female and if the male can make it through the physicaly beating then all will be fine. I may have it twisted up with the female and male thing. But I think someone told me it ranges from about 3-5 days and the female will accept the other...
  7. mopar9012

    Hawaiian Spotted Puffer??

    awesome, these are beautiful fish. I am going to try it out. Larger snails and crabs im guessing? what about a pom pom crab? just get a big one?
  8. mopar9012

    Hawaiian Spotted Puffer??

    Im setting up a 65 gal tank soon and it will be a REEF tank. one- Is my tank big enough? two- Is a pretty much a 50/50 chance that he might eat some corals?
  9. mopar9012

    sluge at top of water? and glass fogging?

    tried that. seems to push it aside. Maybe i just dont have enough flow period. it has a aqua filter i believe with a koralia 1?
  10. mopar9012

    sluge at top of water? and glass fogging?

    yes, not the best but it is a CPR bak pak. seems to be foggy... it is kind of look likes dried up salt.
  11. mopar9012

    sluge at top of water? and glass fogging?

    My gf has a fairly new 20 gal reef tank. It is about 2 months old, maybe a little bit older. A couple weeks ago she started getting the sluge of a clear bubbly substance at the top of the water. You cant get it out with a net but I did do a water change and got it all out. A couple days later...
  12. mopar9012

    Tango's update

    looks to be an awesome tank. but im thinking right now is the perfect time for a full tank shot?
  13. mopar9012

    65 gal on second floor? and fish list.

    Originally Posted by Ryancw01 You should be fine with the weight especially if it is in the corner. I am in a condo on the 2nd story and I also have a 65. But before I had a 46 in an apartment on the 2nd story. I just have it against the wall and not in the corner. If it makes you feel...
  14. mopar9012

    65 gal on second floor? and fish list.

    ive talked to some other people. 3 people have said they have 90 gal tanks with sumps on the second floor. Im going to check with the land lord though. no sweet lips, I know the 75 was bigger but not by much. The sweet lips will get over 3 feet, so I feel bad for that one that was in the 75. im...
  15. mopar9012

    65 gal on second floor? and fish list.

    alright so long story short i am moving into an appartment soon.I have a 65 gal, currently not set up(waiting to move first) with a 29 gal sump.If I were to put the tank in a corner, do you think it will be too much weight? it will be on the second floor of an apartment.---I really want/need to...
  16. mopar9012

    Whats the best lighting/skimmer for me??

    I dont know what your budget is. But you could get a 48 aqua pod dual 150W metal halide. Now if you have a canopy you could also buy 2 retro kits that might, probably, would be a little bit cheaper. IMO two 150W metal halides would be nice over your 55. also do you have a sump? Im probably...
  17. mopar9012

    FW dip for live rock???

    will they be completly un-attached to the rock?
  18. mopar9012

    FW dip for live rock???

    Im about to make an upgrade to a 65 from a 29. Currently all my live stock, except for my one chromis and my mated pair of shrimp, are in a diiferent tank. There has been some question on whether or not I have zoa eating snails and other not so good stuff. I was wondering, ALONG WITH a good...
  19. mopar9012

    agressive clown and new clown

    alright, she will have to wait. She likes the cinnamon clowns and all the LFS say they are aggressive, is this just toward other clowns?
  20. mopar9012

    My Puffer Puffed!!

    i have an idea, scare him ONE more time... just ONE more time and have a camera ready and take a pic.. then show us