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  1. hirock

    Why are Metal Halides so Expensive?

    Originally posted by Kipass4130 and on top of that... you get a lot more high quality light!!!! That is known as more PAR for the buck. Nothing that I have found equals the intensity a single MH lamp can produce. The photons produced from a single pin point source can rival, if not...
  2. hirock

    Can't get rid of Micro Bubbles. Any ideas

    Your somehow going to have to build some sort of diverter plate or baffle to diffuse the oxygen suspended in the water column. I am having a hard time trying to figure out the reason why so much oxygen is saturated inside the sump. One method that I have tried, when all else fails, is to place...
  3. hirock

    Yet another cycling question.....

    Since it is a new system, (water in place) by placing the sand in first, then the base rock would seem logical. By placing uncured "live" rock into your system, you will be on your way to cycling your new aquarium. But note, placing uncured rock into a system WILL foul the air you breath :yes...
  4. hirock

    ID on 2 creatures please :)

    It's probably species of annelids/polychaetes. Possibly in the family of Cirratulidae or Chaetopteridae. If you can get a good look at it and document some of the characteristics, try this link for reference. :)
  5. hirock

    Can't get rid of Micro Bubbles. Any ideas

    A real quick question: Inside the sump, the section where the skimmer is placed, is that section also filled with micro bubbles? I can tell by the picture that the skimmer is not running. Which may be a reason why the secondary baffle seems to look clear. If your not experiencing any bubbles...
  6. hirock

    Anemone for Clown FISH

    A surrogate home for your clowns would also work. A few Frilly Green Shrooms or a Toadstool Leather work well for this purpose. I personally like the shroom idea better then the anemone because they seem to stay where you put them. Anenomies will roam a tank until they are content, shrooms...
  7. hirock

    Can't get rid of Micro Bubbles. Any ideas

    Is your skimmer inside your sump (If you run one) or a hang on the back version? If it is in the sump, try placing a small plastic cup under the skimmer outlet. Fill the cup with a few small stones for ballast reasons. Baffling off the section inside the sump where the skimmer resides may...
  8. hirock

    new tank

    A Calcium Carbonate base rock is what you’re looking for. Bedrock accumulated in and around seashores, with a high human population or vessel inlets are probably not the best places to collect specimens for your system. Unpopulated areas and virgin beaches are your best choice. Make sure that...
  9. hirock

    Can't get rid of Micro Bubbles. Any ideas

    Micro bubbles are more of an eye-sore for clarity reasons. Unless your tank(s) are stocked with sponges, it shouldn't hurt the over all progress of the system. Oxygen will help in tank respiration and keep PH levels up. PH is simply a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution...
  10. hirock

    I have test results and need advice.

    From your readings, you may need to add some Magnesium for the Alk & Calc to become harmonic. Your PH is a bit on the low side, but that varies when you actually did the test. (AM vs. PM) The PO4 reading also glares out as being to high. .1 seems to be a low number on your test kit, but it is...
  11. hirock

    Coraline Algae

    Magnesium is the key. Bring your levels up towards 1300 ppm. Once there, buy a new firm bristle toothbrush, shut down all filtration (protein skimmers, canisters, sumps...) internal power heads are ok, and start brushing the coralline algae you do have, firmly to release the spores into the...
  12. hirock

    ID Please! amphipod?

    It looks like an Isopod. I have never experienced one in my system >knocks on wood< but most fall into the class of parasites. Since there are so many species involved, IMHO...
  13. hirock

    HELP!! Bristle worms eating my leather coral!

    are there any signs when a leather coral is officially dead? Smell is usually a very good indication if your leather has bit the dust. If it doesn't melt away when you bring it to the surface, administer a good ol' whiff test with a big sniff. If it smells rotten, foul, rank, tainted or...
  14. hirock

    HELP!! Bristle worms eating my leather coral!

    Originally posted by disccollector I posted earlier about my leather coral being completely droopy and laying flat against the rock and turning a white-ish color. I read on a leather coral website that water conditions can cause this but this behavior can also be caused by a bristleworm...
  15. hirock

    Salt mix experiment?

    For me . . . yes. My calcium and alkalinity levels were falling and I was haveing a difficult time maintaining them with IO. So I switched to reef crystals which is basically the same thing but with more calcium. Too early to tell if there is going to be any difference, but so far so good...
  16. hirock

    Salt mix experiment?

    Just a quick question... Is there something going astray in your system that would warrant you to switch salts? For argument sake, it is just my opinion but if it isn’t broke, why fix it? :confused:
  17. hirock

    Pro's advice needed!

    Just a little FYI... Make sure the bottom of the tank is not made of tempered glass. If it is, is should be avoided all costs! The 2 x 1.25" drains may not be enough to handle the volume your purposing. Just to be safe, IMHO would increase the size of the ports to 2"'s. It is far better to...
  18. hirock

    Why do i have hair algae??

    The problems seems to be the accumulation of PO4's contributing to your hair algae problem. Unless your using RO/DI H2O in your top-offs, I can almost guarantee that it is coming in from your tap. If your using "LIVE" foods, chances are that they too are contributing to the cause. .05 ppm of...