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  1. hirock

    MH acclimation

    np :D
  2. hirock

    I won Base Rock!!!!

    "I may need some suggestions on stacking it, also I have nassarius snails when I add all this rock to the sand bed do I need to dig them up or will they find their way out if I cover them?" Stacking base rock is straight forwards, although, achieving that desired look could be tricky. As with...
  3. hirock

    MH acclimation

    If you have access of raising the lights, farther from source to object, IMHO, I'd go that route. Pendulums work well for this. Doubling the distance from source to focal spot will decrease the amount of par/illumination/radiation by 4. Restricting a corals Zooxanthellae food source isn't...
  4. hirock

    What happened???

    Yeppers :yes:
  5. hirock

    red algae

    Cyano bacteria could be either a gram-positive rod or gram-negative rod. This can only be identified & determined by an actual gram stain. Sometimes, you can exhaust all practical means and measures, with no progress and loads of frustration. Water movement, lighting & DOC's all play a factor...
  6. hirock

    What happened???

    Here is some info about your type of macro-algae: Halimeda Macroalgae (Halimeda opuntia)
  7. hirock

    what brand of Carbon

    A Chemi Pure (IMHO) bag works well for exporting chemical impurities/dissolved organic compounds. It should aid in helping to maintain PH. It might be considered an all-in-one mechanical/chemical in-a-bag removal sponge. It will lower your overall aquarium maintanance. (including the needed...
  8. hirock

    What salt mix do you use?

    IO Never a problem. >knocks on wood< BTW, if you didn't know, Reef Crystals is made by IO, just abit more refined and reef friendly.
  9. hirock

    settling question

    Mechanical filtration for 24 hrs. Your dust will settle completely within a few days (depending on circulation vs. flow rate). The dust that you refer to is just the rocks settling from movement via ocean cargo containers. It will not hinder your system, but I have noticed if it is placed into...
  10. hirock

    Water Change

    "The place that I buy Catalina water from forwarned me about people who try to sell me the Mixed water because those people have a greater mark up and profit margin." As does the place, you buy your Catalina Water from. Remember that all retailers have some sort of self-interests when profits...
  11. hirock

    fire fish q

    Firefish do well with others of its own species. I have noticed that they like to schoal and hang out at various levels of the water column. A good reef fish overall, but beware, they like to jump. Geez, you ever wonder why they don't use carpet in a de-hydrator??? Carpet, high, medium...
  12. hirock

    Can I Have these Fish In My Reef Tank

    The 6 line wrasse might ba alittle tricky with a new system. These fish like to forage around in search of pods and the likes of. They should be introduced into a system that is well established and flourishing with micro organisms for a better survival rate. Good Luck
  13. hirock

    Criticize my sump/fuge plumbing design please!!!

    I didn't notice the size of the drain line going into the sump. A word from experience, just make sure that you make your drain line is large enough to handle everything that is thrown at it. Make it large enough to handle the accidental snail or crab either falling into it, getting sucked up...
  14. hirock

    help identify

    Peppermint shrimp work well for the eradication of these pests.
  15. hirock

    thinking of a deeper sandbed

    A quick question for the OP: Why do you feel that two more inches of sand will help? The 1 - 2" you have presently should be sufficient in maintaining your system. I'm just curious, scratching my head, saying why... As the previous poster stated, they are a time bomb waiting to go off! If...
  16. hirock

    going from fish to reef

    94 Gallon corner, all base rock, 250 wt MH & 2- 40 wt 03's, a sump w/ calcium carbonate rock in place of the bio-balls, Sedra return pump (model 2000?) Chems: B-Ionic for the Calc and Alk, my own Mag. supplement (epsom salts) Kent stronium, PH buffer and Moly. IO for salt. A chemi-pure bag...
  17. hirock


    Just a word about Boxfish: DO NOT STRESS them out!!! Depending on the family: Tetraodontidae (puffers) or Ostraciidae (trunkfish) they both can secrete a toxin known as tetraodotoxin or ostracitoxin. Both forms can wipe out a community if it decides to foul your system. It rarely happens...
  18. hirock

    Opinions on tonga branch rock

    Originally posted by zanemoseley the hawiian base rock is dry rock thats left over from when they widened a canal or harbor or something like that, some guy on ---- I believe his name is HIROCKS sell it for about $1 shipped, it looks awesome and has tons of holes and stuff Thanks for the kind...
  19. hirock

    going from fish to reef

    "waterchanges? what are thoes" Agreed, I haven't done a water change in over 2 1/2 years. I just chem when needed.