Search results

  1. craig_08

    Sick Huma Trigger

    My tank has been up and running for a year. It has always been healthy other than the bout with ich. My ammonia is 0, nitrates and nitrites 0, ph 8.1, salinity 1.021. I have four large coral skeletons as decorations. Other inhabitants and time in the tank include: coral beauty (3") 8 mo...
  2. craig_08

    Sick Huma Trigger

    I am feeding him plankton and mysis shrimp soaked in zoe and zoecon. Occaisionally I will give him a prawn but he is still small (2.5"). I only recently got him (this weekend). The fish store said they would feed him formula one food. I am not sure what is in that. Yes, the top fin is worn...
  3. craig_08

    Sick Huma Trigger

    The tang never had the ich. He is a more recent addition to my tank. The ich has been gone for four months and I do not think that is why the Huma is scratching. I think he has either hurt his fin and it is itching or he has some other problem I don't know about. Any input is appreciated.
  4. craig_08

    Sick Huma Trigger

    I recently got a new Huma trigger. I know I should have quarantined him in a QT but I don't have one. I noticed last night that his top trigger fin was really scraped up and later I noticed him scratching the fin on the rocks in the tank. I see no other signs of saltwater ich and I have a...
  5. craig_08

    healthy lionfish f/s

    I recently got a small clown trigger from not thinking about the fact that it would be small enough for my lion to eat. Consequently I need to sell my lionfish. I have had him for a year and he is very healthy. He is about 5" with a big appetite. If you are in the Atlanta area and are...
  6. craig_08

    lionfish in Atlanta

    I recently got a small clown trigger from not thinking about the fact that it would be small enough for my lion to eat. Consequently I need to sell my lionfish. I have had him for a year and he is very healthy. He is about 5" with a big appetite. If you are in the Atlanta area and...
  7. craig_08

    Atlanta... Lighting...10 gal?

    Why is using florescents bad? Even one 40 w bulb fits in the 3-5 w per gal rule of thumb for corals for a 10 gal nano. 80 would be more than enough. Correct me if I am wrong.
  8. craig_08

    Is there a lion i could keep with clowns and sea horses?

    I am sure I will get blasted by someone on here for not knowing what I am talking about but in my experience, I wouldn't mix them. First of all, seahorses are usually considered to be species only because they are very easily stressed and other fish will not allow them to get any food. Also I...
  9. craig_08

    Tips for keeping Regal Tang?

    I just got a little regal from and it is so funny. Instead of hiding most of the time like they are known for, mine is out in full view all day swimming against the current of my powerhead. He is just a tiny little guy and the powerhead blows him all around. They are such fun fish.
  10. craig_08

    Atlanta... Lighting...10 gal?

    I live in ATL and am curious about building a 10 gal nano. I was wondering if anyone has a retrofit with enough lighting for corals they are selling. Also if anyone has any other equipment they are selling in Atlanta I would be curious to hear about it.
  11. craig_08

    Skilter fix?

    Do any of you guys on here know a decent way to make a skilter work better? Is there a way to quiet the machine? Is there a way to stop it from filling the tank with bubbles? Is there a way to make the skimmer actually work? I appreciate any help.
  12. craig_08

    pic of my tank

    Hey I am in Atlanta and setting up a ten gal nano now too. What fish store do you shop from (Fish Store & More)? What kind of lighting setup do you have and how much did it cost? Just curious.