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  1. craig_08

    A few of my babies

    This was an almost in focus shot of my Valentini Puffer peeking over my cabbage skeleton.
  2. craig_08

    A few of my babies

    And a close up of my prize posession, a baby clown trigger. He is growing so fast.
  3. craig_08

    A few of my babies

    Also my Huma trigger got himself stuck between a coral skeleton and a hard place. He went in a little tunnel in my pipe organ skeleton only to find he couldn't get out. He had stressed himself to death by the time I got home from work.
  4. craig_08

    A few of my babies

    Just wanted to post a few pictures of my fish. I no longer have the coral beauty or blue tang in leui of a lunare wrasse.
  5. craig_08

    Clean up Crew in aggressive tank

    Sorry snails are probably out of the question. Most invertibrates are the puffers natural favorite when it comes to snacks. They have those big teeth to crush though shells on inverts such as snails and sometimes even hermits.
  6. craig_08

    which test kit?

    I am going to buy a new test kit today and was wondering which one. Last time my LFS got me to get the Tetra Laborett test kit and it blows. It didn't even come with nitrAte test. I also want to get a calcium and phosphate tests. Is there a respecable choice for these that is cheap enough...
  7. craig_08

    Missing trigger...

    I have a 75 gal agg FO with a 1" clown trigger, 3" Lunare wrasse(new addition BTW), and 3" valentini puffer. I had a 3.5" Huma trigger but it went missing this past Thursday. I never found a corpse so I figured he may be hiding somewhere. After not seeing him in three days EVEN at feeding...
  8. craig_08

    Crazy fish tanks

    I have heard of people making an old computer monitor into a tank or a coffee maker into a nano. Has anyone here attempted to do one of these novelty tanks? Any stories or pictures would be appreciated. I find them fascinating.
  9. craig_08

    cleanup crew

    I am pretty sure that a cleanup crew is not possible with triggers and wrasse. A hermit possibly while the triggers are small but outside of that is there anything I can do for algae control short of scraping and not overfeeding? What about detritous? Just vaccuum?
  10. craig_08

    pics of you guys!

    By the way if you do look at my site ignore everything but the pictures. It was a site I had to make for a CS class. It has a link to my other site with more pictures. And Iswim does have pretty eyes. Not sure I even want to know how old she is, hehe.
  11. craig_08

    pics of you guys!

    I have a pic or two of me on my website. By the way can you do HTML tags on posts so I could have just put a pic in or done a nifty link using a word in my post. JW
  12. craig_08

    How long to cycle?

    I did not have time to test for the trItes last night. Once I do that it should be tell tale. I don't have a trAtes test but will be getting one soon. I just figured while I was at work and wondering about it, I would hazard a question to see if it was possible that it could cycle that...
  13. craig_08

    OT: Man this bites rump.

    Lol, you scared me when you said that you were only typing with your left hand.
  14. craig_08

    How long to cycle?

    I have a 10 gal nano that I just set up. I put 8 lb of LR in right away then 8 more two or three weeks later. I only tested periodically but I know that the first cycle due to the initial LR was almost done when I added the rest (am ~0 nitrItes .3). I haven't really tested with the second...
  15. craig_08

    Why Petland, WHY?

    Definately not the one in north atlanta
  16. craig_08


    I don't know where the FOTW posts went but I miss them. :( I found them very informative and interesting. Whoever used to do these please start back up.
  17. craig_08

    what or why did this happen

    Don't take my word on this but... As I understand it, Calcium, alkalinity, and pH are all somehow intertwined in a convoluted way. When you add to one, it affects the levels of the others. What may have happened was that when you dosed the Ca, your pH had a swing at the same time that your...
  18. craig_08

    Why Petland, WHY?

    I went to Petland yesterday because they are the only LFS that will take trades for a decent return. I have an aggressive FO tank with a blue tang and while the fish are all still small I didn't want the tang to be stressed with the triggers and puffers. With that said I took the 1" blue tang...
  19. craig_08

    fish names

    I actually took this idea for fish names from someone else. I have 5 fish: clown trigger-Bud, blue tang-Mick, coral beauty-Jack, Valentini Puffer-Jim, Huma trigger-Tank. Can anyone see the theme, hehe.
  20. craig_08

    Anemones? or stay away ?

    Joey, Ricordea and shrooms are super easy to keep. They require low flow and low light. If you were keeping anenomes succesfully than I am sure you have sufficient lighting for these choises and almost any type of LPS (brains, frogspawn, torch, plate, etc.). Do a search on here and read a...