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  1. slider101

    Anyone know what this is?

    Latest pictures.
  2. slider101

    Anyone know what this is?

    These neomeris are crazy now, haven't multiplied yet but are almost a 1 1/2 - 2 inches long. When the pic was taken they were probably about 3/8-1/2 inch long. I am starting to dig the way they look.
  3. slider101

    Clowns eat algea?

    Originally Posted by Flower My clowns rub their bellys on the back wall to dislodge the algae and then eat it as it comes off. LOL that is exactly what mine does. My smaller one does this, the larger one just kind of stays to himself. But yeah, he will either hit it with his belly or tail...
  4. slider101

    Clowns eat algea?

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 Clowns will eat algae (almost all fish will eat the algae sheets). Clowns are omnivores and need some veggies in their diet. Cool, thanks. I have never seen him pecking the wall until recently and was wondering if he was just mimicking her doing it.
  5. slider101

    Clowns eat algea?

    Do false percula clowns eat algea? I didn't think they did but I keep seeing mine peck on the back wall of the tank where algea is growing. I am not sure if he is eating it or copying my hippo tang cause she is pecking and eating all over it. Maybe he thinks he is just suppost to smack his...
  6. slider101


    I was reading another thread and it said you can use limestone as baserock. Can you? I thought that limestone would be high in bad things that would spike your tank. Also where is a good place to find base rock or what is the best thing to use for baserock? I do not want to have to cycle...
  7. slider101

    Florida Condi question

    Originally Posted by Indy2009 55 is a good size, mine have doubled in size in the last couple of months, what else to have with it? I have 3 green chromis, 2 clowns, 1 hippo tang, cleaner shrimp and 8 blue leg hermits.
  8. slider101

    Green Eyed Zoo polyps

    It is at the bottom of the tank. It has started to open up finally! All looks well.
  9. slider101

    Green Eyed Zoo polyps

    I just bought a small frag yesterday and put in my tank. Is it normal for it to stay closed up for a few days?
  10. slider101

    Florida Condi question

    Originally Posted by Indy2009 I have 2 plus a carpet anemone never ate any of my fish, don't house it in a tank that is too small, they grow quickly and you may have some issues.. I have a 55 gallon. It is fairly small now, smaller than my fist when full size. I will probably have to get rid...
  11. slider101

    Florida Condi question

    Should I be concerned about my florida condi anemone eating my fish? I have had one for about a week now, my second one and it seems to be doing great. Talked to someone at LFS today and they said that the condis will kill and eat my fish. I looked on here at the description of the Florida...
  12. slider101

    Acclimating anemone

    Guys, what is the best way to acclimate a Florida Condi anemone? Should I leave the lights off for awhile? Float the bag and add some of my water to it for a couple of hours? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. slider101

    Tang with spot on eye

    Originally Posted by Beth You very likely have ich that will soon pop up in full bloom. Yes, use fresh garlic, crushing it and letting meaty food soak in it for a few mins, then feed it to the fish. Your LFS should have a variety of frozen foods that you can also offer your fish. Right now I...
  14. slider101

    Tang with spot on eye

    Originally Posted by my obsession My Blue Tang got that a couple of weeks ago and I fed it seaweed soaked in garlic. It cleared up in a couple of days. Do I just buy minced or crushed garlic and soak the food in the juice?
  15. slider101

    Tang with spot on eye

    Originally Posted by Beth Netting is generally risky business and often causes eye injury and eye infections. How long have you had this fish? Have you seen white spots in other places on the body, fins? A diet of mostly mysis is not nutritionally adequate. You should vary the diet more...
  16. slider101

    Tang with spot on eye

    Originally Posted by jackri Hard to say without pic but probably ich.. could be a bacterial infection or even early pop eye.. but my guess would be a mild case of ich (if there is ever such a thing) Freshwater dip wouldn't cause this, stress -- ich parasite -- weakened immune system can. Keep...
  17. slider101

    Georgia Aquarium

    I have lived near Atlanta all my life and finally made it to the Georgia Aquarium. If you have not been then you need to plan a trip! It was amazing! An absolutly beautiful huge reef! If you can go make the trip!!
  18. slider101

    Tang with spot on eye

    Can a fish get ick on their eye? I have a Tang that has shown signs of ich and now has a white spot on her eye. Eye looks a little cloudy but she seems to be acting fine. Eating and swimming around like normal? I did net her a few days ago for a freshwater dip. COuld this have caused it...
  19. slider101

    Tang trouble?

    Anyone? Is this normal?
  20. slider101

    Quick Anemone Help Needed!!!

    Originally Posted by Aquavegas sorry to hear that i hope mine starts eating so it doest suffer the same fate I wish you luck. I probably should not have gotten him yet but I only paid $6.50 for this nice looking anemone. So I am not out alot but that is not the point. I don't like killing...