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  1. hopping

    skin falling off leather

    i hope this help
  2. hopping

    skin falling off leather

    i'm working on that pic please don't give up on me
  3. hopping

    skin falling off leather

    no it is chunks of skin down to what looks like white roots. i tried to blow it with a turky baster thinking it was molting but it just fell apart
  4. hopping

    skin falling off leather

    so is it going to die what can i do for it
  5. hopping

    skin falling off leather

    i got a flower leather friday, saterday it started sheadding a little now all of its skin is falling off! What is rong? What do i do? Someone please help. all water peramiters are good everything in the tank looks good.
  6. hopping

    Without power for 8 days

    sorry @ your tank I live i BA and lost power all week also had a power inverter but it blew up after 1 hour we lost everything but our corkscrew aminamies and the pagoda that i took to my inlaws in bucket. by the way anyone in Oklahoma want a corkscrew
  7. hopping

    WTB Xenias in Oklahoma

    There is a store at 61 and Sheridan SE corner next to the sushi bar a bit more expensive though. I would like some of that xenia I don't have anything to trade right now but I’m placing an order tomorrow I’m getting some mushrooms and some other things what would you be interested in
  8. hopping

    some basics up for tade or what ever

    thanks i have pink ones but yellow would be nice
  9. hopping

    some basics up for tade or what ever

    are the sand polyps yellow or is it just the pic
  10. hopping

    missing shrimp, is pink tip culprit

    yes the clams hid in the sand the day i got them, havent seen them sense. it is the shrimp i am conserned @ the lfs said shrimp are good at hiding but all 6 are still not to be seen. 150 lots of rock. but i can see though most of the crevises i see my crabs all the time
  11. hopping

    Missing Shrimp

    i got 6 pepp shrimp, 1 pink tip anemone, 3 curly q anemones, a rock anemone, and 3 striped damsels from yesterday. this morning all 6 shrimp were missing. all 6 Did my anemone eat them. i also have 2 gobes, 3 emerald crabs, 2 cleaner clams, 1 porcelain crab, lots of snails and...
  12. hopping

    missing shrimp, is pink tip culprit

    i got 6 pepp shrimp, 1 pink tip anemone, 3 curly q anemones, a rock anemone, and 3 striped damsels from yesterday. this morning all 6 shrimp were missing. all 6 ! Did my anemone eat them. i also have 2 gobes, 3 emerald crabs, 2 cleaner clams( i cant find), 1 porcelain crab, lots of...
  13. hopping

    Quick Mushroom Question

    you dont have to remove them from the base. you can cut pieces off of it or you can cut the whole top off the foot (it will grow back) then cut the top into pieces. all will become shrooms
  14. hopping

    very small white anemone good/bad

    must be a ghost thanks for the pics i will try to keep them under controle but i realy like them so glad i dont have to irradicate
  15. hopping

    very small white anemone good/bad

    bothlook very simmiler buth i think it is the ghost. i cant see a skeleton but the mouth looks the same as the hidden cup. do eather of these get much bigger. and does the hidden cup spread very quickly. thank you both very much
  16. hopping

    starting a brackish tank!

    i used to breed them for the lfs when i was a kid real easy once i found out @ a breading tank otherwise it was just a nice meal for mom after all her hard laber
  17. hopping

    starting a brackish tank!

    i have mollies in my 150 sw they are much happier than the fw tank they are silver mollies but they eat the algea and get a real nice matalic green in there scales they also love to have babies.
  18. hopping

    very small white anemone good/bad

    i hope some one recognizes this thing it's the best photo i could get
  19. hopping

    very small white anemone good/bad

    i thought glass anemones are aiptasia clear brown, these dont look like aiptasias at least not the brown ones they are also shorter 1 ring of tinticles on the outside and a smaller ring on the inside
  20. hopping

    very small white anemone good/bad

    I have had my tank set up for @2 months now. @1 month ago we saw this little clear white anemone with round white tips just had a cuple of them. now a month later they are everyware the bigest one is the size of a dime they spread so easily i was thinking mabe they aren't so good does any one...