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  1. tjake68

    Agressive tank cleaning

    i have red starry hermits there huge but very smart they only come out when its lights out and all triggers and puffers are sleeping i loose one every couple off months also vacume sand 1time aweek plus water change like clock work :jumping:
  2. tjake68

    Is My BTA splitting

    im just going to add my 2 cents on a very good thread i have had many anemones that are doing great for months and one day they unattach and die for no apparent reaseon at all then i have some that move nonstop and are living great for years (1 so far) what i seem to see is if you notice any...
  3. tjake68

    could a clown trigger go in a ....

    i have a yellowmargin trigger a bursa a foxface a huge peculaclown huge barredgoobie porkfish dragonwrase large pesudo and monster viollton lion the only one who does any bullying is my lion also a snow flakeeal my tank has lots of rock it depends on your setup and who goes in first makes a big...
  4. tjake68

    Making an old Power Filter into an Overflow

    not to burst your bubble youll never controll flow rate to balance your tank coming back in if the return pump ever went youll have a huge flood were on a overflow box its only a few inches my advice is buy overflow box ther cheap and they work or get a j tube like one from a ehiem canister...
  5. tjake68

    using wellwater

    my friend just moved upstate ny he only has wellwater he has no ro unit and really cant afford to buy water or ro unit right now local fish store says well water is okay cause it has no clorine or phosphate and its more natural but it does have sulfer they say treat with water conditoner and...
  6. tjake68

    large pseudo

    i just got a large pseudo i cant spell full name its red with greenish blue dots about 6-8 inches long every site i look on only has dwarfs there dottybacks but large ones anyone know wher i can find info on these fish or know anything about them
  7. tjake68

    Lyretail Anthias

    i have one for about a month he eats great is very social i do feed him 2 times a day all diffrent types try formula one or two in the frozen type mine loves it also shrimp prawn mysis good luck great addition to your tank :cheer:
  8. tjake68

    Bio Spira and other "Cycle Substitutes": Good or Bad?

    i have used them i used biospear and a very expensive type i forgot the name 40 for 100 gallons they worked great when i used biospear i put fish in 12 hours later and there still doing great 5 months later i did have a bacteria bloom that clouded tank for about 2weekes but after that...
  9. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    im going to do a water change and start raising sg ill try new shrimp next week thanks for advise im going to see what lfs says but im sure thell tell me get another one at 20 bucks a pop of course thanks again
  10. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    im going to raise sg would phosphate be high from using purpal up it does raise calcium level though i wasnt using it with first shrimp ill have to test it what causes phosphate to riase
  11. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    what chemicals do you use i use purpal up garlic amquel and polyaqua when i do water changes what did you do
  12. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    what is the recommended sg for shrimp ill raise it to 24
  13. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    the shrimp looked like they were doing fine they were active and looked healthy
  14. tjake68

    help cant keep cleaner shrimp

    i got 2 cleaner shrimp from two diffrent stores in the last 2 weeks I acclimated them for 1 hour with a drip tube i compared salinity from store and aclimmation water from my tank i got it down to my salinity when they went in my tank they swam for about 3 minutes stopped swimming and just died...
  15. tjake68

    puffer question

    im looking to get a puffer dogface or stars and stripes i know you have to keep there teeth from getting to big whats the ideal conditions to keep one I have livesand and liverock should i add some crushed coral or can i throw some snails and clams in once a week also will they e at anemones...
  16. tjake68

    trigger id

    I dont have a camaera but i have a trigger that i bought as a titan.After having him for 2 months i think hes a yellowmargin.I have seen pictures of both and they look pretty close to each other mines about 2-3 inches and groing when i ask in pet stores the ones that have them they call them...
  17. tjake68

    Major diatom problem!!!

    is this a brown powdery looking i have a new 55 gallon set up 3 months and on my skimmer and rocks and powerhead little bit on glass and sand thers a brown powdery looking dust like on these things i clean it off twice a month and it keeps coming back i use tap water conditioned and let it sit...
  18. tjake68

    oceanic trickle filter

    well i got the filter used and i was just looking for some literature on there products what size pumps they recomend to use i have a 65 gall tank i have a overflow box its single bulk head i dont know flow rate the pump i have is a sen its rated at 700 gallons hour at 6foot im only going 4 iwas...
  19. tjake68

    anemones and aggresive fish

    well before i go out and buy new lights and some anemones i want to know if ill be wasting my time and money just to have them eaten
  20. tjake68

    anemones and aggresive fish

    I have 2 triggers yellow margin and a bursa a violtian lion and a snf eal are there any kinds of anemones that will surive with them or will they have a exspensive dinner on me