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  1. socko6774

    aneneome shriveld and dark..

    Originally Posted by onyxclown hows ur levels???? maybe ammonia,nitrite or nitrate amm=0 nitrite=o nitrate=0
  2. socko6774

    aneneome shriveld and dark..

    got her about a month ago.. had my tank set up for 3 months. all levels are 0 ph 8.3, salt at 1.023. lighting= 65w 10k, 65w actinic 420, 65 w 50/50 run about 11 12 hours a day anywho.... aneneome was looknig good up until about a week ago.. wouldnt fully open, tenticals looked shriveled up...
  3. socko6774

    water changes

    if all my levels are at 0 do i need to do a water change?? iv had my tank up n running for about 3 months, cycled no problems.. 0 amm, 0 nitrate, o nitrite, 8.3 PH...1.023 salt i have quite a hair algea problem and my BTA is looking like crap. but my clown, 2 pajaoma cardinals nad lawnmower...
  4. socko6774

    dying anenome?

    its been acting really wierd... use to ppen up fully, now it looks shriveld and never flly opens, it recently moved out of the light and under a rock... how long should i let it do this before removing it? im afraid to move it because i dont wanna hurt the foot. its a BTA by the way, had it...
  5. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    Originally Posted by jdragunas i wouldn't cut it. It's setup that way for a reason. If you cut it, it'll mess with the unit. It's not harmful to have the stuff on the top of your water, as long as you don't mind the look of it. I have the same thing on my 30g hex with a HOB filter. aight...
  6. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    Originally Posted by RobSW i too have a HOB filter on my 20 with the same film. i will try cutting it a little higher and let you kno how it works. thanks for posting this question. definelty keep me posted :thinking:
  7. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    Originally Posted by jdragunas what kind of filter do you have? How does the water get down to the filter? is it like a HOB filter that has the intake toward the bottom of the tank? if so, that's your problem. You'd have to get some sort of filter to take water in at the top (like a skimmer) in...
  8. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    Originally Posted by jdragunas what kind of filter do you have? How does the water get down to the filter? is it like a HOB filter that has the intake toward the bottom of the tank? if so, that's your problem. You'd have to get some sort of filter to take water in at the top (like a skimmer) in...
  9. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    its a 30 gallon, its not really a color, just a transparent film, its annoying...LFS guy told me it was from poor circulation. I cant fit anymore powerheads in there !!
  10. socko6774

    slick on top of water

    why does it look like i have a coating on top of my water?? should i face hte PH towards the top?? right now i have 2 PH plus hte filter outlet to cirulate the water.. one PH is pointeing down, the other has one of those rotating heads, and the filter outlet is right along the top.
  11. socko6774

    Any one from Ma or Nh? and ride a sport bike?

    love my TLR, i did track days with NESBA and TEAM PRO MOTION
  12. socko6774

    need picture of GBTA and percula clownfish

    hasnt worked for me yet, but i took the pic down after 2 days , it wwas annoying me
  13. socko6774

    what kinda snails are these?

    they usually come out at night, but 2 of them kinda poked out this afternoon, and it looked like there were spitting something out there mouth, almost looked like smoke!! it was weird! there under an inch long, and have a thin flat shell on there back. are they dongerous? what the heck were they...
  14. socko6774

    Brown tank

    i put a sand sifting starfish in there to clean the sand. i waited like a week after all my levels zero'oed out just to be on the safe side, then i retested everythnig, and even had me LFS test my water out. my first fish was a false clown, second was a lawnmower blenny to eat the algea. im no...
  15. socko6774

    Brown tank

    Originally Posted by bill109 hello to all! my tank is turning brown the cycle is just about completee and when i tested it there was only a BLUSH of a Faint purple in the test vial. my sand and rock are turning a brown golden color. its part of the cycle i believ but why does it do it and will...
  16. socko6774

    need picture of GBTA and percula clownfish

    Originally Posted by GatorWPB LOL stolen!! :hilarious :hilarious lol, sorry. i used it too, your fish is quite popular!!!
  17. socko6774

    Clownfish acting wierd...

    Originally Posted by mryoung7 i keep telling myself that for every person who does it the wrong way, there's got to be a few like yourself who do it the right way. lmao, thanks man, theres a few of us who actually care about what happens
  18. socko6774

    anenome looks sickly

    Originally Posted by GatorWPB I know they sometimes open their mouth to expel waste, but if its open too long is not a good sign. Hopefully its mouth will return to normal after a day or so. Do you feed him at all? well, shes looking better now, mouth closed, opened up bit, and yes i fed her...
  19. socko6774

    anenome looks sickly

    all levels are normal. 0 amm 0 trites 5 trates 78-80 temp 1.023- 1.024 SG 8.3 PH
  20. socko6774

    anenome looks sickly

    my BTA was looking good for the past couple weeks. i went to feed fish and notcied he was all sucked into his cave with his mouth open... is this normal??? usually he shrivles up at night or if something disturbs him, but i never saw him with his mouth open like this.