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  1. socko6774

    trick for getting fish outta tank

    how the hell do u guys get fish outta your tanks!?!?? i sat here for an hour trynig to get my rusty angel, whos big fat n slow out, i couldnt, so i cant even imagine trying to get my 2 PJ cardinals!!! is there a trick?? i want to take them to my LFS and trade em.
  2. socko6774

    flat redding flaky looking things

    Originally Posted by Darknes He will be fine. I hope you got them all. doubt it, but i didnt see any, i blew so much ---- all over my tank though, what a pain!! what kind of damage do they do anyways, besides being an eye sore?? and how the hell did they get in my tank!!
  3. socko6774

    flat redding flaky looking things

    thanks guys, well since i didnt see all that many of em, i just went to walmart and bought a turkey baster and tried to suck out as many as i could... i blew a couple around and my clown promptly ate them, hes a pig.. anyways, it that gonna beharmful to him??
  4. socko6774

    Cleanup Crew?

    why not sand sifting star? i have everything u said in my 30 plus a sand sifting star, hes been in there 5-6 months and seems fine?
  5. socko6774

    Most beautiful ladies-Russians!

    um......ok lol
  6. socko6774

    flat redding flaky looking things

    this is the best pic i can get..
  7. socko6774

    flat redding flaky looking things

    there too small for me to take a pic of. but they're reddish in color, flat, kinda oblong, and there hanging out on some of my rock and around my zoo's. i thouhgt there were some fish food flakes at first till i looked closer and saw them move.. are they flat worms? and what do i do about em?
  8. socko6774

    expiration on fish food

    lol, true, man they ate that brine shrimp like it was candy!!
  9. socko6774

    expiration on fish food

    does fish food " go bad" i found some sealed brime shrimp and some flake food my ex gave me about a year ago, is it ok to use that?
  10. socko6774

    brown algae?

    not too long, but be prepared for green hair alge to follow shorty thereafter.
  11. socko6774

    what could it be

  12. socko6774

    brown algae/nitrate/ro

    Originally Posted by SCFatz I bought one here and I am very pleased with the quality and price after shipping:RO UNIT link no workie
  13. socko6774

    Feeding a snowflake eel

    i was feeding my 6 inch SFE every other day.. i put a little piece of silverside on a tooth pic and hed grab it right off.... but then he' d go nuts for like the next 20 minutes snapping at everything that moved!!!! i ended up having to bring him back to hte LFS because he was going after...
  14. socko6774

    Cleaner Shrimp dieing

    MY CLENAERs going on 4 months, looks strong, always tries cleaning my fingers when i stick my hands in the tank, lol
  15. socko6774

    red sea prizm deluxe ?

    thanks again guys, i think i got it just right!
  16. socko6774

    red sea prizm deluxe ?

    Originally Posted by alyssia Those skimmers are a pain. I had one and never could get it adjusted right. dont get me wrong, i see im getting some brown crap, but i just wanna make sure im setting it right and getting the most out of it!! ... this fish tank is worst than a full time job!!!!
  17. socko6774

    PJ cardinal with one cloudy eye

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz I like Won Bros. heaters. I have been using them for many years and have no problems with them. A Won Bros. 150 watt heater will do the job for you very well. thanks man appreciate it!
  18. socko6774

    PJ cardinal with one cloudy eye

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz The temperature fluctuation is almost certainly the issue. This is probably stressing the fish out a lot. Plus, the shrimp does not help. i was wondering that.... time to spend MORE money... any recommendations. they all look the same to me! i only have a 29 GL
  19. socko6774

    red sea prizm deluxe ?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Yes just as Windmill described.....if you get it set to high you'll see alot of microbubbles going back into the tank, and the collection cup will overflow rather quickly that way.....These things can be a real PITA to get adjusted and do need more attention than...
  20. socko6774

    PJ cardinal with one cloudy eye

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz How long have you had this fish? When you say normal, what do you mean? What are the levels? Is anyone picking on him? well iv seen my coral banded snap at the fish if they get close, but iv never seen him actually touch any of em(that i know of). I'v had the...