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  1. drew2005

    Feeding Cleaner

    Originally Posted by teen i give mine about the same size. i givew them squid, scallop,mussel,fish,and clams. i feed them about 4 times a week, and they molt regularly so i guess im doing it right. 4 times a week...So i guess basically every other day ill give him a small piece. Thanks man.
  2. drew2005

    pH help please

    pH is also lower during the day than it is at night. Mine used to be 7.8 during the day and 8.2 at night during my cycle. Now its 8.0 during the day and 8.4 at night. I dunno when you test but u might wanna try and do it the same time everyday.
  3. drew2005


    Originally Posted by jhill5 drew, sorry it is .net jason No prob..just resent but i forgot a subject line.
  4. drew2005


    Originally Posted by jhill5 drew, how do I email you. hill5 at ameritech dot com I just emailed you info. Good luck man. :D
  5. drew2005


    I recommend the Marine Technical Concepts skimmer. If your interested email me. :D
  6. drew2005

    Feeding Cleaner

    How much should i feed a cleaner shrimp? I bought some uncooked, unseasoned seafood from the grocery store. I gave him a small piece. Maybe a half the size of my pinkie nail. Hope that isnt too much.
  7. drew2005

    Quick RO water question

    No drops needed. Its pure 100% water with no chemicals. Pour it right in.
  8. drew2005

    Clean up crew for a 55???

    I have a 46 gallon with 20 blue leg hermits, 10 turbo/astrea, snails 5 nassarius snails, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 feather duster, 1 emerald thinking about adding 5-10 more nassarius and 1 more emerald. They are doing a great job right now.
  9. drew2005

    water tests -i think i'm ready for cleanup crew-

    Fresh water as in RO water or distilled. Not tap water.
  10. drew2005

    Add more clean up

  11. drew2005


    Ive had a cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, 15 snails, 20 hermits all living since friday. I guess im good too. :) My levels are... Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20 (been trying to lower it) PH - 8.4 SG - 1.024 Ca - 400
  12. drew2005

    Add more clean up

    I was wondering if i should add more of a clean up crew. I currently have 20 blue leg hermits, 5 nassarius snails, 10 turbo/astrea, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 feather duster, 1 emerald crab. Tanks is a 46 gallon with 70 lbs of rock, 50lbs of LS. The crew as only been in since Friday and they are doing...
  13. drew2005

    It has water in it now.

    I agree. I paid $450 just for my tank and stand :rolleyes:
  14. drew2005


  15. drew2005

    What Salt mix do you use?

    I use Red Sea. No problems with it at all. My calcium level is 400.
  16. drew2005

    expert help on skimmer

    Your gonna get mixed opinions on this subject. I personally ran mine for the whole cycle. It may slow the cycle down a bit. I was curing live rock and cycling so running mine helped keep the smell of the rock at a minimum. I would say running it wouldnt really hurt anything.
  17. drew2005

    recessed tank finally framed, pics!

    Sweeeeeeet! Nice job!
  18. drew2005


    Can someone tell me if this is Bryopsis? Its hard to tell and id like some other opinions. Not the best pic. Ill try and get a better one.
  19. drew2005

    Food For Inverts

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx Thats a very nice-looking feather duster. Yours is colored a lot more interestingly than mine is. Mine is one shade of light brown with a couple of white bands around the feathers. Nice tank too. :) Thanks. Anything you would suggest from the grocery store that...
  20. drew2005

    Food For Inverts

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx I agree. The feather duster is a very beautiful critter that really doesn't get the respect it deserves in the hobby. I think no marine tank is complete without at least one large duster. check out mine.