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  1. caz2022

    Attaching coral to rock

    Using the mesh keeps it from being blown away by the current in the tank, 4 or 5 days and it should have attached itself to the rock. Personally I give it a week.
  2. caz2022

    I am a little sad right now

    My Xenia has been thinning out noticably lately and I was blaming my decorator crab. Well last night I witnessed my Powder Brown Tang biting the heads off and just spitting them out. Later in the night I spied my decorator, he has absolutely NO Xenia stuck to him anymore. Has anyone ever heard...
  3. caz2022

    Attaching coral to rock

    you should go to a fabric store and get bridal mesh-the larger opening allow the heads to poke through and pulse.
  4. caz2022

    Hair algae eaters

    Try an adult molly. I have an adult male sailfin molly and he not only mows through any algae he finds, he also helps keep my sand clean by picking any food he finds laying around.
  5. caz2022

    Lost my Emperor and Queen Angel due to a power outage for 2 hours :(

    Generators are easy to use. They are four stroke engines so no need to mix fuel and oil. Just start it up and plug it in. Most people just run extension cords from the things they want to have power to the generator. There are kits you can install that make it alot easier (my previous post).
  6. caz2022

    This Hair Algae will NOT go away..

    I know this is an older thread but I want to add to it. IMO/IME (neither are as vast as most on here) one adult Molly added to the tank will devour your hair aglae problem quicker than a sea hare, with the bonus of it wont starve to death once that food sorce is gone. I spent $.99 on an adult...
  7. caz2022

    algae out of control

    Definitely figure out where the phosphates are coming from and fix it. In the mean time, go spend $.99 on a large molly (provided nothing in the tank will eat him). I added one to my CUC and hes even better than a sea hare at clearing up hair algae. On the plus side-he wont starve to death once...
  8. caz2022

    What to do about hood for this 55 gallon tank ?

    Do NOT cut the divider. Its a brace that keeps your tank from bowing out and possibly breaking. Just go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy yourself a flourescent light diffuser (eggcrate) and cut it to sit on the ledge that the hoods sit on. You wont be able to see it and it will keep most "jumpers"...
  9. caz2022

    Measurement question

  10. caz2022

    Lost my Emperor and Queen Angel due to a power outage for 2 hours :(

    I run my entire first floor off my 5600watt generator. I installed a seperate breaker box for it. When the power goes out I just fire it up and plug it into the prewired outlet. Its a kit from Home Depot-cost about $200.00 but worth every penny.
  11. caz2022

    Measurement question

    When measuring the "head height" on your return pump do you: A) measure the full length of your return line? or B) measure straight up from the pump to the return ?
  12. caz2022

    Birthday present from my wife

    Yes the latest shots where taken with 4x54w T5s and 2x110w vhos. Alas it didnt make it :( I feel horrible since was the first thing my wife ever went out and purchased for my hobby.
  13. caz2022

    MAG Feeding clip

    Thanks-just got sick of the suctioncup letting go
  14. caz2022

    MAG Feeding clip

    Sorry they're kinda dark but my moonlights are the only things on and I had to rely on room lights.
  15. caz2022

    MAG Feeding clip

    Il post a pic. Was actually a generic mag cleaner-not a true mag float. No where near as pretty as yours but it works :)
  16. caz2022

    Too much?

    Would 3800 gph be over kill for a 75 gal reef?
  17. caz2022

    MAG Feeding clip

    Nice! I made one out of a mag cleaner and a suction cup veggie clip-2 birds-1 stone
  18. caz2022

    Birthday present from my wife

    Whats left of the orginal
  19. caz2022

    Birthday present from my wife

    The piece that broke off.
  20. caz2022

    Birthday present from my wife

    Full tank. Mid way up far right is where it was-a piece is still there.