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  1. jillian ayers

    OT:One of the better ones

    Uhhh, it didn't work for me once and I know I didn't get all the numbers wrong... :confused:
  2. jillian ayers

    coolest avatar!?

    No one likes kittens? :eek:
  3. jillian ayers

    My new tank

    bacardibombillo, Calm down! You are being mean to coral in both of his posts! SO he didn't read, at least he bothered to come here and try to learn, alot of people don't even do that. coral, what kind of water do you have in your tank? Did you get it from the lfs or is it tap water? And welcome...
  4. jillian ayers

    lost foot !!!!!1

    He broke his foot off on another clam's @$$ :D
  5. jillian ayers

    LFS in Houston

    Aquarium World, the best fish store I've ever been to. Off of 290 and Hollister... I think. :)
  6. jillian ayers

    New Downtown Aquarium

    ophiura, when did you go? I went yesterday. Wish I had remembered the camera :(
  7. jillian ayers

    New Downtown Aquarium

    Unfortunately, I've never been to the one in Kemah... :(
  8. jillian ayers

    OT- How many people have made the moderators hit list?

    I wondre if I'm on ophiura's hit list...
  9. jillian ayers

    Cross your fingers...

    NMReef, the Downtown Aquarium which I recently posted about opened recently, and if you want a good fish store, Aquarium World is as good as they get. Have fun there! Houston is my home town, and I personally believe, the best city in America. ;)
  10. jillian ayers

    OT- Anyone else on this Atkin's Diet??

    plum70rt, I'll take you up on that! :D Also, I went to the doctor yesterday adn the scale said I was 182! :eek: Uh-oh. And Rye, are you going to post the pics of your wedding day? I would love to see them!
  11. jillian ayers

    New Downtown Aquarium

    Today I went to the new Downtown Aquarium in Houston, and it was great! They had lots of fish, both fw and sw and more corals than I think I've ever seen in my entire life! They even had a black tang, which is rare. I would recommend it to anyone who loves fish. Also, I took the train ride and...
  12. jillian ayers

    Found a good lfs

    When adding some new friends for Oscar, I went to the University Pet Shop on 61st street here in Galveston. While the woman who co-owns the store is a complete @#$%^, her husband is extremely knowledgeable about fish and loves to teach his customers new things. When deciding on what fish to get...
  13. jillian ayers


    I have some pictures of him and his new buddies not too much further down on this page, though the thread is closed. I strongly believe that keeping an Oscar in a 10 gallon for longer than a month after birth is cruel. Mine was in a 20 until I could afford a bigger tank and is now in a 75. He's...
  14. jillian ayers


    As of late, I have gotten my beautiful Oscar a new home and am very proud of how well he is doing and how the tank looks, so naturally I want to show it off a little. I want to show everyone how he looks and maybe get any feedback or stories anyone would want to give on Oscars they've had. While...
  15. jillian ayers

    OT- Anyone else on this Atkin's Diet??

    I'm unhealthily overweight (I mean, not like really obviously overweight) and people like to ask me if I'm pregnant. I mean, I'm not like the really big women with flaps on their arms or anything, but my weight is causing heart and asthma problems. Unfortunately, with school and studying...
  16. jillian ayers

    OT: New fish tank

    One more:
  17. jillian ayers

    OT: New fish tank

  18. jillian ayers

    OT: New fish tank

    Today I moved Oscar into his new 75 gallon home, and added two friends so he wouldn't be alone, a Black Belt cichlid and an Albino Oscar. Check it out.
  19. jillian ayers


    kelldog, You go to Texas A&M in Galveston?
  20. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    Hmmm, I must think about that now *Little hamster begins to move* :D Also, I have only had this camera 2 months and it has never been exposed to rain. Once again, it cannot be inside the camera because only one out of every few pictures has these things in them and they are never in the same...