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  1. orthoboy

    Creating new DSB

    I am configuring a new 20g tank and I would like to make a DSB. How deep should I make it, and should I use strictly LS or should I do some sort of mixture? Very confused at this point.
  2. orthoboy

    Protein Skimmer Help

    Someone has to have some good advice?
  3. orthoboy

    Protein Skimmer Help

    I need a good protein skimmer for my 20g nano tank. I was debating between the CPR biopak or the Prizm. Any suggestions and advice?
  4. orthoboy

    filter advice

    If Emperors are so horrible, what would you recommend?
  5. orthoboy

    filter advice

    Any advice on a filter for a new 20 gallon fowlr tank? I was thinking about the Emperor, but I was not quite sure.
  6. orthoboy

    What fish would you suggest?

    How delicate are long nose butterfly fish and what should they be fed? Would a copper butterfly be another option?
  7. orthoboy

    What fish would you suggest?

    Currently have a 2 year old 100 gallon fowlr tank with 80 lbs of live rock. I am trying to figure out what type of fish would be best to add next. I haven't had much luck with angle's, so that is out of the questions. The inhabitants of the tank now consist of: 2 clowns 1 foxface 30 scarlet...
  8. orthoboy

    Feeding cleanup crew

    Just received my clean up crew from Just wondering if I should feed them anything else besides from the algae, debris, as well as my normal feedings which include flake food and seaweed strips.
  9. orthoboy

    How is this for a Clean up Crew?

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me if this is good set up for a clean up crew for my 100g fowlr tank: 10 blue hermit crabs 20 scralet hermit crabs 20 astria snails 2 peppermint shrimp 5 emerald crabs 1 cleaner shrimp Any other suggestions would be great.
  10. orthoboy

    Clean up crew for 100g fowlr

    Currently have a crushed coral substrate. I lost 4 fish 3 weeks ago. All levels are 0 and the remaining species, 2 clowns and a fox face, are okay. Also, if I don't purchase blue hermits, any other good species to eat hair algae such as scarlet hermit crabs or emerald crabs?
  11. orthoboy

    Clean up crew for 100g fowlr

    I have had my 100g fowlr tank with 80 lbs. of live rock for over 2 years. I have decided to add a clean up crew, but I am not sure what would be sufficient. I've read to stay away from blue hermit crabs as well as turbo snails. I would like to add a variety of species including crabs...
  12. orthoboy

    UV steralizer question

    I've had a 100 gallon fish only tank for two years with 75 lbs. of fiji live rock. Just recently I lost most of my fish after the addition of a flame angel. All levels are perfect. I have decided to recycle the tank, but also puttin in an UV steralizer. Any suggestions of which one to purchase?
  13. orthoboy

    Hippo tang

    I currently have a 100g tank with 50 lbs. of liverock. Inhabitants include nasotang, purple tang, and 2 damsels. I also have a hippo tang. He seems to be doing well, but I always find him "laying" along the sides of the tank or on the gravel. When no one is watching, he will feed, but return...
  14. orthoboy

    Powder blue vs. hippo tang

    How does garlic prevent ick and how do you go about soaking the food?
  15. orthoboy

    Powder blue vs. hippo tang

    I am currently debating whether to add a hippo or powder blue tang to my 100g fish only tank. No live rock present. I currently have a purple tang, a nasotang, and 3 damsels. They all get along quite well. The tank has been established for 10 months. Any recommendations?
  16. orthoboy

    Adding liverock

    I currently have a 100g fish only tank with a purple tang, nasotang, hippo tang, and 3 damsils. The tank also has a protein skimmer. I am about to add live rock to the tank, but I was told I would need to add it slowly. Any advice of how much to add as well as how to add it? Any help would...
  17. orthoboy


    Does anyone have an opinion about the product Hypersorb by Seachem Labs?
  18. orthoboy

    Adding a hippo tang

    I currently have a 100g fish only tank w/o any live rock. I would like to add a hippo tank. In the tank so far I have a purple tang, a naso tang, and 3 small damsels. All chemical levels are fine and the tank has been up for 9 months. So far all of the fish get along well especially the 2...
  19. orthoboy

    Water Help!!!

    I currently have a fish only 100g tank which has been running for 9 months with a protein skimmer in the sump. I have a purple tang, a nasotang, 2 dominoe damsels, and blue damsel. I had a queen angel but after 5 weeks it died from pop eye. I added another queen but after 1 week it is acting...
  20. orthoboy

    Purple Tang

    I currently have a 100 g fish only tank with a purple tang, naso tang, 3 damsels. Everytime that I try to add a new fish, for example most recently a butterfly, the purple tang goes after it. I have tried everything including keeping the lights off for a period while adding the fish. Any...