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  1. kyle10

    Specific Gravity

    first i dont think bionic will effect your sg. second how do you even set your tank up let alone two tanks without a way to measure your sg levels????:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
  2. kyle10

    stining torch

  3. kyle10

    stining torch

    does anybody know if when a torch coral is stinging another coral the white ball tips increase in size? one of my corals next to my torch coral keeps shriveling up and i noticed the tips on the torch by that coral larger then all the rest of them...that is why i ask the ? thanks
  4. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    is the controller for tunze streams?
  5. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    nice tank what are those 2 black boxes on the front of the hood?
  6. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    thanks nm
  7. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    thanks now if i could just think of a way to sneek the new tank into the house and downstairs without my wife seeing it.:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
  8. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    older pic of full tank
  9. kyle10


    at that temp you dont need a chiller save your money but i guess if you wanted to get one you would need a 1/4 horse. i think there 600.00
  10. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    i know what you mean...i get thatred and green sand in the front up against the glass where my maroon clown sweeps it up with his tail.
  11. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    awsome tank aldog51 what is the red coral on the bottom? my tank has been running for 5 months...over the winter im going to break the tank down and setup a 265 gal
  12. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    gold head sleeper goby keeps all the sand clean sifts it through his gills
  13. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

    thanks 55 gal sump etss 600 skimmer 2 blue line pumps one for skimmer one for sump 4 1200 maxi jets 3 250 watt metal halides 2 72" vho actinic 03's
  14. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  15. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  16. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  17. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  18. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  19. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack

  20. kyle10

    random tank pics 12 pack
