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  1. dlee

    canister filter vs. sump

    did you build the sump yourself or buy it?
  2. dlee

    canister filter vs. sump

    thanks.....what about the sump makes the water params better than a canister? (sorry if a stupid question)
  3. dlee

    canister filter vs. sump

    I have a 90g with a corner overflow. Reef with soft corals. I am currently using an eheim canister filter and a hang-on-back Remora skimmer. Everything is working fine, but I'm wondering if I should upgrade to a sump. What are the advantages of a sump vs. a canister filter? Is it worth it to...
  4. dlee

    Pistol Shrimp & Cleaner Shrimp

    I have 2 pistols and 3 cleaners...for about 2 year. Never a problem.
  5. dlee

    carbonated beverages

    the line runs north / south and between Rochester (Pop) and Syracuse (Soda). I think the line is somewhere near Geneva.
  6. dlee

    Blue Linckia?

    definitely stick with the brittle and serpent stars. the linckia stars have a mortality rate in captivity that is horrendous. IMO it should not be sold in the hobby.
  7. dlee

    Peppermint Shrimp & Feather Dusters

    I have a handfull of both pepermint shrimp and 'dusters....never a problem.....
  8. dlee

    Coral Banded Shrimp question

    I purchased a CBS a year ago and in the first night he killed both of my cleaner shrimp. aggressiveness must be different by individual specimin.....
  9. dlee

    Shrimp and bioload

    i concur
  10. dlee

    Brittle Star with pistol shrimp?

    the sea stars should be more worried about the pistol shrimp than the other way around. I have 2 pistols and a few serpant stars....when the star gets a leg too close to the pistol's cave, the shrimp snaps at it and the star moves away quickly.
  11. dlee

    for those w/o a chiller....

    cheap clip-on fan across the top
  12. dlee

    Heat accumulation in my tank

    I had high temperature problems last summer, so this summer I bought a cheap clip on fan and ran it over the top of the tank. It does the trick!
  13. dlee

    feeding clown goby

    I have a green and a yellow one.... They eat anything that floats near them....flake, pellet, frozen...
  14. dlee

    Salt Level too high....I need advice

    The only thing that I noticed (which prompted me to check my salt) is that my xenia's don't look too good...they are shrinking up.....
  15. dlee

    Salt Level too high....I need advice

    I neglected to check my salt level for a while in my 90g reef. I broke out my refractometer last night and it registered 1.029! I checked twice. How should I bring it down to 1.025? Slowly over the course of a few days or ASAP? Thanks....
  16. dlee

    Favorite kind of bacon

    no love for Canadian back bacon?
  17. dlee

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    Tomato Clown - Otto (after Otto the orange, the Syracuse Mascot) Royal Gramma - Cedric (after Seinfeld Character) Firefish - Jesus (because he dissapears for 3 days at a time) Discus (freshwater) - Watley (Seinfeld Character and Fez Watley from Ron and Fez)
  18. dlee

    My 90g Reef at 20 months

    the shrimp is blind or nearly blind... watch closely and you will notice that the shrimp always rests one of his antenae on the goby when he is out of the cave. if there is "danger" the goby will twitch his body signaling the shrimp to dive back into the cave.
  19. dlee

    My 90g Reef at 20 months

    Pink and Blue Shrimpgoby
  20. dlee

    My 90g Reef at 20 months

    its a standard 90. (in other words, google it....i'm not sure....)