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  1. outsdr2

    Cycle problem, or is it over

    Originally Posted by Marchingbandjs small as in ... 2 gallons... sounds about right for a 38. I would not exceed that amount tho.
  2. outsdr2

    Cycle problem, or is it over

    I would do small daily water changes for a few days to keep the water quality heading in the right direction.
  3. outsdr2

    The Dreaded Diatom Bloom

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You do know that, without citing the source, using information that is not your own is considered plagiarism, right? WOW very rude to make an accusation without proof. Great job! Pez!
  4. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    Originally Posted by ophiura You may wish to look up the species I mentioned above on Fishbase. It will give you size estimates (basically, IMO, not for any home aquarium). Hi the information on actual size is skewed. some info says 12 inches and another say 3 feet. I think the three dorsal...
  5. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Take a look at the adults. They're similar face to a swine hog, gives them their name (hogfish). Rooster Hogfish are the only members of the hogfish family that aren't in the Bodianus genus (Cuban, Spanish, Two-Spot, etc). This is the hogfish all of us go spe@r...
  6. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    Originally Posted by ophiura You may wish to look up the species I mentioned above on Fishbase. It will give you size estimates (basically, IMO, not for any home aquarium). Thank you Susan your link was most helpful. I have him in my 350 fowlr and he seems to be happy. do you think he will be...
  7. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Indeed, commonnamed Rooster Hogfish. This is "THEE" hogfish, because of which all other hogfish are named as such. You are going to have quite the fish on your hands . please elaborate! I would like all the info I can get. The fish came in with a load of shrimp...
  8. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    no guesses?
  9. outsdr2

    Fish ID

    Hello can someone ID this fish? thanks in advance.
  10. outsdr2

    No more bullying...hopefully

    Originally Posted by tonynader ok well i also told you i was gonna slowly take two out to create more room.....and i do care, why do you think im making so many posts about this more post wont change the fact that you have an overcrowded tank full of incompatible need to buy another...
  11. outsdr2

    Best Tangs for Reef????

    Hi I think you need to keep the angel. you had to have assumed that he would occasionally nip.Cant you buy him sponges? I hope there is an alternative solution. I love my Sailfin.they are a great fish.
  12. outsdr2

    Bullying.....finally Resolved?

    Hi No I would leave them in. Moving the rocks are a good idea. can you build the angel a rock refuge where it can defend itself? I did that when my powder was trying to kill a butterfly fish and it worked. i hope this helps.
  13. outsdr2

    Bullying.....finally Resolved?

    Hello I think the idea is not that good. The clowns will calm down once they realize the angel is not a threat. I do not see the benefit of further stressing the clowns by keeping them in a critter keeper. the flame is qiute capable of protecting itself. Lights off yes. Critter keeper no. JMO
  14. outsdr2

    My little success

    Beautiful fish! Good Job keeping it successfully.
  15. outsdr2

    Tank smelling the house up?

    Hi the only time I have a smell problem is if I do not keep my skimmer cups and collectors clean. would you describe it more like a salty smell or does it smell more like rotten eggs? can you give a tank and equipment list?
  16. outsdr2

    This is growing on my rock! Please ID!!

    Hello, after standing on my head, adjusting my contrast and squinting with crossed eyes, it is my determination that it looks like algae.
  17. outsdr2

    1,981,290 Gallons??!!

    Originally Posted by tonynader not that amazing its just a tank Well its easy to say that when its on a tiny screen. I think you should make it your main goal to visit it in person. Me, i would be riding one of those fish around in thier lazy circle.
  18. outsdr2

    UV Sterilizer questions

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 No. I didn't get a paper with the manufacter's specs, garage sale find. The one that was current running was a TetraTech, rate to 100gal. How will having it properly rated help with the coral growth problem? Well let me break it down from the research I have...
  19. outsdr2

    Questionable Fish Activity

    Relax my clowns act the same way. it looks like they have staked a claim on the shell.nice looking clowns by the way.
  20. outsdr2

    UV Sterilizer questions

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 I run my through my return pump, don't know how my GPH it is. On my new set up I am using a tetrapond uv sterlizer. Rated up to 8800gal. It will be running 1200 GPH, give or take a few. Return Pump Attachment 228012 U.V Attachment 228013 +1 Outsdr2 Thanks to a...