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  1. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    Can anyone give me an honest advise ? before you guys said 44 fishes is way too overloaded even though i have the best equipment there is ( without the scrubber ) and i did reduced them to 30 and added a lot more CUC . please give me something to work with . i hate does brown SH*T that is...
  2. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Can you post a picture of the algae? yeah will in a couple of hours , its like a dusty but a little hairy light browinsh algae that can be wiped of a LR with a little brush .
  3. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    i guess you know more than enough about reef tanks MR snake but can i keep the 30 and somehow get rid of the algae ??? i dont have any NO3 problems .! and i cant build an algae scrubber , i could buy one if a company makes them .and i dont mean that 600$ santa monica guy . Quote: Originally...
  4. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    i think its 0.05 , the lowest , and i change the media in the bag every week or every 5 days and its more media than it should , and about the GFO in the reactors around once every 40 days or a month but the problem is when there are algae , it getts into the buttom of the reactors and makes the...
  5. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    i have 2 manadrins , 2 clown fish , 2 diamond bellenys , 1 belleny that easts algae( forgot his name ) , 4 wrasses , 9 tang and serguens( 5 of them are atleast 12cm) , 1 fox face around the same size , one belleny that hide in a rock with his head out , 8 damsels.( mostly very small) Quote...
  6. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    i usualy feed frozen brin or mysis or blodd worms and i stir them 5 days in a huge glass so the water will ve crystal clear when i pour it in and i use algae sheet , pellets once a week and algae spinual flakes twice a week but they eat them in less than 4-5 mins . Quote: Originally Posted by...
  7. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    in Iran tap water is like liquid waste from a chemical plant , i change them every month or evey 3 weeks , the wool part gets dark brown in a matter of days and the water gets a wet dirt smell . Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ When was the last time the RO filters were changed.
  8. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    some tangs do alot of it , me a littlle on the surface to balance the sand . and my clown fish for some reason always keepsswushing the sand under the anemone . but nothing huge to bing the waste out Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills We had the fish discussion on his last thread that had to...
  9. ivasawajin

    I Have an Impossible Phosphate Problem.

    I have a 230G reef ... i had 44 fishes in it and the bioload was too much and i sold them a=nd reduced them to almost 30 , and i have many corals . but its been 3 months that i have a brown algae ( which i think its diatom problem ) and my tank is more than a year old .my PO4 in very low and my...
  10. ivasawajin

    Snake's Methods for Aquarium Maintenance

    i believe you about the water changing part , its so old school and unnecessary in big well established tanks
  11. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Diatom Removal

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Yes, in small doses. :D A 100% aragonite / calcium carbonate sand mix will not have enough silicate in it to cause any problems, stirred or not. The sand that he's describing has excessive amounts of silicate in it, which leaves me to believe it might be...
  12. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Diatom Removal

    ok . i will post pics in a few hours , i bought around 130KG of sand from a store that i find out that they are money eating robbers but i dont know anything about the sand , its really white and light , it was almost too light and white at the begining , now its a little more heavy . thats all...
  13. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Diatom Removal

    my Metal halide Lights are 6-7 months old and i use them 7 hours a day and my 2 T-5's for 3 hours more means 10 hours total . and my water in RO. what else can it be , one of my damsel keeps swushing the sand for his hiding place everyday .
  14. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Diatom Removal

    my tank is a year old and i have a diatom problem for the past 3 months !!!! i had them when my tank was cycling but after that they were gone but now they are back ?? what should i do ???? its on my glass and LR but not on my sandbed . my suggestion is that i remove them with a tooth brush...
  15. ivasawajin

    Dosing Kalkwasser in a 230G Reef ?

    THEN i Should discard the buttom part !!!!
  16. ivasawajin

    Dosing Kalkwasser in a 230G Reef ?

    i mean i tie a knot on a hose and put it in the container and the dissolved middle part of the solution will slowly gets into the tank , i takes about an hour for 1 gallon to get into the sump .
  17. ivasawajin

    Dosing Kalkwasser in a 230G Reef ?

    you mean its bad for the tank ??? but when i add water to i and dip i it works just like Kalkwassr does !
  18. ivasawajin

    Dosing Kalkwasser in a 230G Reef ?

    i have a 230 G reef tank and i have a Kalk question . i use Kalk+2 from Brightwell . i use 1 gallon of RO water in a container and mix it with one or 2 teaspoons of kalk and mix it and wait for 2 - 4 hours . then i dip in into the sump. but when it finishes at the buttom of the container there...
  19. ivasawajin

    My PO4 is Low but my Algae Problems are very VERY High .

    i like a busy busy tank , your late father had a great taste in fish tanks .
  20. ivasawajin

    My PO4 is Low but my Algae Problems are very VERY High .

    yeah i want to get rid of some of my fish but its a 10 month old tank and i cant catch them . a have a dotted grouper !!!( which in cant catch) . and my filtertation is really good . i have 3 skimmers which are way overkill for my tank size EACH . i have a UV and a refugium and a Deltec...