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  1. harlequinnut

    I want your puffer/porcupine pics

    Originally posted by Chandler04 Arent goldens really expensive? In my point of view, I would rather get a cheap porcupine, cuz they are AWESOME, cheap, and really cool as well. I mean, spending more than $150 on a fish is a little silly to me, and goldens really arent that great, are they...
  2. harlequinnut

    1 year tank progress

    I think the most notable difference in the way you have your tank then and now, besides the addition of the LRs, is that you took out the artificial stuff.:yes: Like the coral background and the fake coral.:D
  3. harlequinnut

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    Just tell him the YT went to fish heaven. :thinking:
  4. harlequinnut

    My new Queen Trigger

    I have a porcupine puffer and a humahuma trigger in my 150. When I stick my hand in the tank, I made sure that my whole hand and upper arm goes in one quick motion. I find that they would stay away from my hand this way. I would never just stick a finger in unless I want to be bitten.
  5. harlequinnut

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    It's quite possible that the anemone got to him after 6 months. I just can't think of a reason why a healthy eating YT would die in a few hours time after feeding. I had to give away my carpet cause it was killing all my fish.
  6. harlequinnut

    I want your puffer/porcupine pics

    porky in 150.
  7. harlequinnut

    scuba diving gear

    Stupid question, who do you have to buy the tank? Doesn't most scuba operators provide tanks for you? Unless you are planning to dive off shore on your own.
  8. harlequinnut

    Harlequin Tusk

    This is the one I recently bought to replace the one that died. He's about 2-3 inches.
  9. harlequinnut

    Harlequin Tusk

    This is the one I had for almost 3 years. He measured at 7" when he died a couple of months ago.
  10. harlequinnut

    too cute!

    Yours too? It's weird that they do that, I wondered why.
  11. harlequinnut

    too cute!

    My puffer which I've had for several months was eating voraciously when he suddenly stopped eating for almost two weeks. He only started eating again a few days ago. I have no idea why he would do this but I'm just glad that he is eating now. During those two weeks I could tell he wanted to eat...
  12. harlequinnut

    Raw shrimp question

    That's basically what you want in a test kit, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and ph. I'm not sure about price as there are many brands of test kits out there with varying prices. You are right, some kits are harder to read that others, so ask for opinion before buying. I like Aquarium...
  13. harlequinnut

    Inventory OK?

    I think the CB and the anthias should be fine, they have different body shapes, one is rounder and the other is long and slender.l
  14. harlequinnut

    Inventory OK?

    Looks good to me except for the racoon butterfly. What is the dimensions of the 65? The racoon needs a 75 or larger tank.
  15. harlequinnut

    Think you have algae problems!!!

    :eek: That looks like a forest!:scared:
  16. harlequinnut

    Raw shrimp question

    As said above, once you notice the ammonia spike, you can remove it. You do have the test kits right? The smell is normal.
  17. harlequinnut

    new tank pics

    Very nice, makes me want to convert my 150 to a reef tank, but then I won't be able to keep most of the fish that is in my tank now. Wish I could have two 150's.:thinking:
  18. harlequinnut

    My gf's setup

    It should be enough even if you have the clam on the bottom but if you're worried about it, then put the clam higher up on the live rocks so it'll be closer to the light source.
  19. harlequinnut

    My gf's setup

    The height of a 55 is about 21" if I'm not mistaken, same as my 46. When you add the sand, then the height from surface to sand bottom could be any where from 16 to 18" depeding on how deep is your sandbed. A 175 should be enough to light up your tank for the corals and or clam. You can alway...
  20. harlequinnut

    good website for hardware

    Ditto on no links to web sites. Are you wanting a glass tank or acrylic? I don't think it's very practical to order a glass tank of that size online due to shipping cost and handling issues. You're better off going to a LFS or even some large chain pet store for the tank.(note-tank not...