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  1. dragonboy

    ID Angelfish

    Thats just too much for that much I can do a lot with a tank. I can get 600 gallon tank and fully stock it. I rather get the conspicious angel for $1400 and they look more amazing than this guy.
  2. dragonboy

    ID Angelfish

    Cool wow it is a rare one hehehe.... but nice fish. Too bad they don't have many as captivity right now. Maybe later who knows but sure would be a pretty penny for that guy. Originally Posted by AquaKnight Peppermint Angelfish -- Paracentropyge boylei (candy cane was a good guess though )...
  3. dragonboy

    ID Angelfish

    I looked up there was no angel call candy cane its probably something else. I'm not sure if this a dwarf angel or the large angel but does seem like a dwarf angel. I just dunno whats the name of it. It could be a rare one since I don't see any sites that offer this fish.
  4. dragonboy

    ID Angelfish

    I saw this angel fish on this cover book and was wondering anyone know what this angel fish is called. Its the red or orange angelfish with the white stripe shown on that book cover.
  5. dragonboy

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    It was strong enough to knock my rocks down.
  6. dragonboy

    Naso Tang

    Yeah they get huge I've seen them in big tanks and they need a lot of swimming room. Down the road if I had a lot of money I would build a cement wall tank with one window and it would be like 1000 gallon. But thats just a dream for now if you can get a 300 gallon that would last for awhile.
  7. dragonboy

    New Blueface Angel

    Its not a 100 gallon tank its a 150 gallon and the only blue face is just a little smaller than the Majestic and Emperor angel fish. The Majestic seem to be the most aggressive with the blue face the Emperor doesn't really bother him as much even though he is the biggest. I will up grading...
  8. dragonboy

    your most expensive fish

    Well it was my achilles which was $98 but it died so now my most expensive would be my blue face angel. But I'm planning to get the Conspious Angel for $1400 I will save up for that guy and going to add two more angels in my tank.
  9. dragonboy

    Torch tragedy!

    Clearly one of the head is dying just check your nitrate, calcium and alk. But torch are not that hardy compare to Hammer and Frogspawn sometimes they just die. Just maintain the water a check to see what is wrong with the water is all you can really do.
  10. dragonboy

    Some pics of my fish

    Thats what I'm gonna get a 300 gallon. How big is your sump and how often you do water change?
  11. dragonboy

    What is this? Red thing..Please help.

    Actually that algae isn't that bad it spreads slower than the green bubble. Tangs love to eat this stuff send it to me if you don't want it heehhe...
  12. dragonboy

    in over my head with new elos 215 gallon setup

    Looks like you got more than enough to setup this bad boy as well as the funds I'm sure you'll have everything looking great when its done.
  13. dragonboy

    Check out this picture of a Vlamingi

    Wow I hope my turns out like that when it gets that big but I have to get a large tank when it gets that big. I'm going 300 gallon.
  14. dragonboy

    180 gallon shark tank or 120 gallon reef?

    Depends on what you like I got sick of corals after awhile so I went with fish only tanks. I'm planning to upgrade my tank to 300 gallon so I can add more angels.
  15. dragonboy

    Blue Angel Doesn't Like Snails

    I have angels and tangs that attack the snails I just think its their natural behavior.
  16. dragonboy

    What's up with my Blonde Naso Tang?

    I have a blonde naso as well it took awhile for me to get him to eat as first he wasn't interested in flakes or pellets. I try algae sheet then he started to eat a little. I heard this tang is very picky eater and sometimes you might be lucky to get one that will eat anything. Definitely try...
  17. dragonboy

    ID on Angel Juvi

    Does this angel look like a blueface or a six barred angel? The fish sold me this as blueface and I just wanna make sure its a blueface.
  18. dragonboy

    Poly filters

    I buy the my poly filter from a fabric store it works the same and they sell a lot cheaper and I buy huge bulk. Well of course the filter will get dirty quick since large amount of volume of water pass through constantly and it builds up.
  19. dragonboy

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    Powder Blue and Achilles tang they always die on me oh and also Yellow too for some reason. I had already lost two Yellow's so far I have great success with angels it seem like angels are more hardy for me than tangs are.
  20. dragonboy

    Queen Angel or Blue Angel

    How did you catch them?