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  1. jam1e

    12-Gallon Suggestions

    yeah I wasn't planning on adding all 4. so you think the damsel needs more room or are you concerned about the bio-load? What I've read about Chrysiptera hemicyanea says that it would do fine in 12 gallons, but of course if you had personal experience with this fish than you're probably right...
  2. jam1e

    12-Gallon Suggestions

    Hey Guys, I haven't started a thread on here in a very long time but I started a 12-gallon tank yesterday and I want to make it a reef. Right now I have 13bls. of live rock, 15 lbs of live sand and a filter in the tank. In the past I've had a 65-gallon and a 90-gallon and currently I have a...
  3. jam1e

    Best way to get a lion to eat?

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Don't feed dried krill, it has been linked with lockjaw and nutritional issues Sorry for the bad advice, I didn't realize. Thanks for correcting me and thanks for the knowledge.
  4. jam1e

    Best way to get a lion to eat?

    Try freeze-dried krill. I fed my Volitans and my Fuzzy Dwarf freeze-dried krill soaked in a mixture of water, garlic, and other vitamins. These guys love crustaceans!
  5. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    last pic .. haha .. he wants me to feed him
  6. jam1e

    any suggestions for a Volitan who no longer wants Silversides?

    freeze-dried krill always works for my lion. he loves that stuff. but other than changing foods use garlic and get a feeder stick try to make the food look like it's running away or hopping around a bit .. kind of dancing ..
  7. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    sounds like a plan and naw it's not a highjack
  8. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    Originally Posted by trippkid Very cool fish, I like the (juv.) emperor, how long have you had it? Keep us posted when it starts to change. Matt for a while. I'd have to pull out the calendar to tell you exactly (all the way upstairs) I've been keeping pictures and the only real change so...
  9. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    Originally Posted by Chance AWSOME FISH sorry about your sfe Thanks . I'm thinking about a zebra moray in the future though . I've read they're more docile than most eels
  10. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Looks great! Im thinking of upgrading to a 90. Thanks alot. yeah I would definetly go for it. it's worth it. I'm having trouble finding a Diamond Goby that's too big for my lion to eat though ..
  11. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    yeah he's grown a lot since I've gotten him. I bought him as a juvi. he just recently upgraded to Jumbo Krill. I used to buy him the normal size. haha
  12. jam1e

    Just Some Pics of My 90 Gallon

    Hey everybody, long time no post. Just giving an update on my 90 Gallon FOWLR My SFE leaped when I was at the beach found him in the next room so here's some pics of my Lion, Hippo, and Emperor
  13. jam1e

    Fish List

    I've never had a set-up tank without a sleeper goby in it. I have a diamond goby in my 90 gallon. 2 diamond goby's in my 210 gallon and I plan on adding a signal goby to my 12 gallon. They don't need 6 inches of sand and they will be probably the best sand sifters out there. I highly recomend...
  14. jam1e

    New Seahorse

    Pretty sweet. I just picked up a pair yesterday as well my first ponies. Mine are black however. And photograph black. Haha. And I don't see any pp (purple poop) but I'll keep my eyes open.
  15. jam1e

    Bought 2 Seahorses today

    I will post pics as soon as I get home. I'm at work right now and I don't have any pictures on my blackberry. As far as tank size there's no immediate danger. These guys/girls (I can't --- them yet) are really small. The tank looks almost completely empty. I am aware though that in the future...
  16. jam1e

    Bought 2 Seahorses today

    I just put them into the tank and now since it is 2:30 in the morning am considering going to bed but I'm going to watch them for a few before I do
  17. jam1e

    Bought 2 Seahorses today

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Awesome! Are there any other fish in the tank or will it only be seahorses? For now only seahorses, I may add a fourwheel drive goby (signal goby) in the future. Originally Posted by sepulatian Have you researched horses and their needs? I feel like I have a...
  18. jam1e

    Bought 2 Seahorses today

    Yeah I'm tired, want to go to bed. but here I am acclimating my two newest additions (and only additions for now) to my 12 gallon aquapod. A pair of juvi's. they're black. I haven't posted here in forever. I figured I would since I have some time to kill while waiting. sup? comments, questions...
  19. jam1e


    The antennata might not be a good idea because it's a larger lion therefore must be kept with larger fish, most of these fish that it really needs to be kept with won't be able to stay in a 55 gallon tank. I would suggest a zebra dwarf. or a fuzzy dwarf keep it with any fish equal or larger in...
  20. jam1e


    It would be best not to out a volitan lionfish in that small of a tank. The fish grows to be 15 inches long and has a maximum fin span of 18 inches. It would be advised to out in a lion of the dwarf genera. There are many other options other than the fuzzy but most are a lot harder to find than...