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  1. mile_high

    Trapping a Snowflake!

    thats a very good idea there DME . You could also try just putting a Pitcher in the tank and coraling him in to it . you might have to remove some rockwork but it would work too
  2. mile_high

    New Stars & Stripes Puffer

    Nice looking puffer .
  3. mile_high

    New Foxface

  4. mile_high

    Least aggressive Triggerfish: Niger or Pinktail?

    I have never kept a pinktail , But I can say my niger is a big sissy. He will shoot into the rocks if you walk up to the tank to fast .
  5. mile_high

    help!! I feel like I am drowning slowly

    leave it be and check it later
  6. mile_high

    Bamboo shark 911

    Originally Posted by crimzy IMO, leave it alone... no good can come from continued handling of the egg. If it's dead, nothing's gonna change. If it's alive, then you could damage it. Exactly my thoughts .
  7. mile_high

    Bamboo shark 911

    not really , the more you pick at it the worse you could harm it
  8. mile_high

    Bamboo shark 911

    DO NOT CUT IT OUT LEAVE IT BE. If it's not dead cutting it out is a bad thing. Leave it be and check it again in the morning. Does it stink? If it's dead it will stink bad . What else is in the tank with it? what are your water peramiters at? do you have a grounding probe in the water?
  9. mile_high

    Bamboo shark 911

    bombshell please clarify your post . what makes you say its not moving ? You need to hold it up to a light and look for gill movement
  10. mile_high

    Humu Humu Trigger ? is this normal

    Originally Posted by rolling_g Well hes about 3 1/2 inch long now . As for other fish in the tank theres 3 green chromis - 1 blue yellow tail damsel and 2 clarkii clowns . I want to get somemore fish but don't really know what to buy any ideas ....... I wouldn't get anything new untill your...
  11. mile_high

    some Mh shots

  12. mile_high

    some Mh shots

    no thats my 125 . I promise to post pics of the 700 as soon as I start asymbling it . I hurt my back pretty bad so it's slow going on construction. I'm pyeling up parts so when I have them all I can fly thru building it . after all I don't want to have the carpenter making a dozen trips to my...
  13. mile_high

    75g set up

    sounds ok to me . I would just go with hermit crabs and some turbo snail's . the only fish that might give the snails or crabs a problem would be the trigger . but nigers are peacfull for the most part
  14. mile_high

    Humu Humu Trigger ? is this normal

    I fully agree that this is a teritorial issue. My triggers are allways slapping the rocks and sand bed. It's kinda of like a gorilla pounding its chest . Taking a healthy fish and treating it with hypo and copper in a small QT tank will only stress the fish out. So I would not suggest it unless...
  15. mile_high

    Marron Clown/Anenome/Agressive Setup?

    I don't think you'll be able to keep an anemone with that much lighting in your tank.
  16. mile_high

    Plans for building a shark lagoon

    Wow look what happens when I take a few days off. lagoons and self flamming. I agree with the wobbie and lions. Just an idea for you to think about. I would keep the power heads and returns lower in the laggon so as to keep the water surface calmer. make the fish easier to see.
  17. mile_high

    4000 gallon tank

    hey boss . Its too bad that thing cant get aim. Take care be safe and we'll talk to you soon enough
  18. mile_high

    4000 gallon tank

    yes , I'm working on it now . and I will post pictures as soon as its all done .
  19. mile_high

    Humu Humu Trigger ? is this normal

    He's making your tank cloudy from rubbing on the live rock? I'm not sure I understand this. is he knocking stuff off of the rock and thats whats causing the cloud up ? I understand that it chews on the gravel and spits it out but this should not cause the water to cloud up. Help us out a little...
  20. mile_high

    Bamboo's in small tanks

    Originally Posted by AW2 Thank you for educating us all on how ignorant we are. You posted, looking for a fight...that's blatantly obvious. If that wasnt the case, you would have explained that you had already researched, didnt believe the advice that was given to you, had already planned on a...