Search results

  1. sundance

    Yellow polyps disappearing

    Damn, only one again. Sorry it's sideways and this is the after they started disappearing, any way you see the type I am talking about anyway.
  2. sundance

    Yellow polyps disappearing

    My yellow polyps are disappearing. I purchased a rock about a week ago with a bunch of yellow polyps on it now half of them are gone. Will they let loose and move if they don’t like the conditions (haven’t seem them floating or in a new location) or is something eating them? What would eat them...
  3. sundance

    Clam advice

    I just got a clam for my 80 gal. What is best to feed it or are they filter feeders? Also how should it be placed, flat on it’s side, sitting up with the colored part facing up or any way and let it do it’s own thing. What surface is best the sandy bottom or a rock? Thanks
  4. sundance

    What is this ???????

    What is this little bugger, saw it for the first time tonight.
  5. sundance

    What are these things? OK??

    I just noticed these little white tubes all over the bottom of one of the live rocks. Are they good or bad and if bad how do you get rid of them? Thanks
  6. sundance

    Freshwater guestion PPLLEEase

    I know this is a saltwater forum, but I also know many of you have freshwater and saltwater aquariums, so one quick question please. I have saltwater and freshwater and just started using RO/DI water. Do I have to do anything or add anything to RO/DI water before I use it in my freshwater tank...
  7. sundance

    Fuge and sump

    What are the advantages of using a Fuge and sump over not using them on my 80 g reef?
  8. sundance

    How long will I have to deal with this algae

    I have two 250W 10k MH and two 110W VHO one actinic 03 and one 10k. I leave the VHO on about 12 hours and the MH I have cut back to about 6 Hrs. Should I cut back more? Should I try to get the Po4 lower than .25? Don't know about silicate but hope to have a test kit soon.
  9. sundance

    How long will I have to deal with this algae

    My system is fairly new, about 3 months. I know new systems sometimes have algae problems. Also I used tap water the first fill of my 80g tank. My Po4 is at .25 and I am doing a 20-30 g water change on or about the 30th and 5g each week with RO/DI water. I have installed a UV sterilizer and have...
  10. sundance

    Crabs and Shrimp molting

    When my crab (a sally lightfoot) and shrimp molt should I leave the leftover shell in the aquarium or take it out when I can get to it? Thanks
  11. sundance

    Clumsy Kole Tang

    It's not ick. The white spots come and go and are never in the same spot, they only are in one spot for a few hours, seldom see them in the same spot the next day. I think it's small flakes of crushed coral from the bottom as he often take mouth fulls of sand to get the algae. I have a new tank...
  12. sundance

    Clumsy Kole Tang

    He is about 3" long and there is nothing other than him that is over 1.5". It's a 80 g and I see a slight run around now and then but it's usually him after one of the others. I don’t see anything unusual other than the scrapes now and then.
  13. sundance


    I got a 80 g glass with oak (looks like oak but it’s solid wood with laminate to look oak) stand and canopy, two Fluval 404’s, RedSea Prism protein skimmer, 200W heater plus some live rock and live sand and a few things not useful for Salt for $300. I think I got a really good deal.
  14. sundance

    better mouse trap for controlling lights

    There is a technology called X-10 that allows one to control lights and other devices via your house wiring and your computer. It is not specify for the aquarium but I already control many of my house lights plan to do some of the control of my aquarium. Stephen Laminack
  15. sundance

    Do I need a UV light?...I have a ro/di system and a protein skimmer

    From my questions here and the replies there is little harm to a reef by using a UV sterilizer. What it actually does is to damage the DNA, it doesn’t out right kill what passes by the light. The altered DNA keeps the organism form reproducing. So if you were feeding live Phytoplankton it would...
  16. sundance

    RIP Lost Fish in Shipping

    Where is the store and what is it's name. ( I'm in N. CA and looking for good sources close by for livestock. Sundance
  17. sundance

    Clumsy Kole Tang

    Anyone out there have a Kole Tang? Is it a clumsy as mine. It keeps banging it’s head when it goes for the algae on the rocks.
  18. sundance

    Open Brain, when to feed

    Also .. how are you feeding them. Putting it in the mouth area with tweezers or what? Thanks
  19. sundance

    Open Brain, when to feed

    feed mine clams,mussell,mysis shrimp,squid, Is this processed food in a can or pack or frozen or just raw from the pople food store or what?
  20. sundance

    Fish Trap?

    I just purchased one, haven't got it yet, will let you know. I have one of the round ones sold by one of the fish catalogs and it's garbage. The fish never go in it. I starved them for two days and I know they could smell the food inside because they would hang out at the entrance but never go...