Well Its Like 10:30 Right Now And My Lfs Doesnt Carry Any Ghost Shrimp And Im Not Sure What Silversides Are But They Most Likely Dont Have Them Either.
I Heared That Lion Fish Like To Eat At Night But He Hasnt Eaten In 4 Days Now And Is Very Week I Was Told To Put Raw Shrimp On A Stick And Shake In Front Of Him So He Thinks Its Alive. Is There Any Way I Could Get Him To Eat Now?
I Think Hes Dieing He Hasnt Eaten Anything In Three Days I Can Get Him To Eat I Have Only Tried The Frozen Stuff From The Pet Store. When He Swims He Doesnt Swim Far And Seams To Fall Onto His Side Sometimes.
I Got A Lion Fish On Monday And He Seams To Be Doing Fine But I Cant Get Him To Eat Ive Tried Bloodworms And Shrimp Brine But He Doesnt Seam Interested.
i got a diamond goby yesturday and he has been doing fine. just a few minutes ago he started acting weird and darting up to the top of the tank and then he would fall back down to the bottom on his back anyone have any idea what is wrong with him?