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  1. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    is there any way i could just add the live rock and then buy the sand latter so that its not so expensive? or will this not help it go through the cycle?
  2. kirkreynolds

    sand depth

    how dep should the sand be in a 55 gallon tank?
  3. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    Also how deep should my sand be?
  4. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    the tank was new. what type of water is that i buy the real ocean water its called catalinawater it comes in a 5 gallon box.
  5. kirkreynolds

    clown fish

    the tang is about 3 inches
  6. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    So i need to get rid of everything in my tank and add sand and live rock. how much sand do i need to cover my tank? and do i just stack the live rock on top of each other?
  7. kirkreynolds

    clown fish

    55 gallons
  8. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    no i was not kidding about the sand thing someone posted in a different thread and thats where i read it. i cant remember exactly what kid of sand it said but someone said it.
  9. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    why is it not a good idea to have my castle? putting that much live rock in there will make the tank into a reef tank wont it? i thought that you could just have a fish only tank? is there any way i could move my fish into a large rubber tub or something for a few weeks instead of giving them back?
  10. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    i was told that there is a type of sand you can buy from home depot and it is fine in the tank is that true? also this cycle thing you speak of what do i do with the fish i have wont the high nitrites kill them?
  11. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    what do you mean fully cycle?
  12. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    so what do i use than? could this be harming my fish?
  13. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    what does that mean? i have gravel like you would put in a normal tank.
  14. kirkreynolds

    notty fish

    one clown is slightly bigger and what is wrong with a tang in a 55? the shrimp was missing an arm.
  15. kirkreynolds

    clown fish

    I have two percula clown fish one is about 2 inches and the other is about an inch and a half. the little one gets bullyed by the clown and the yellow tang.
  16. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    I have a 55 gallon tank. It has one medium piece of live rock in it, a castle and the bottom is covered in gravel and shells. It has been running for a little over a month total. I didnt add fish until after the first week. I have a aqua-tech power filter 30-60. Im not sure what anything in my...
  17. kirkreynolds

    water testers

    its a strip you just dip and it tells you the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates of you tank but i was told that it was very inacurate.
  18. kirkreynolds

    porcupine puffer

    I have two percula clown fish they are both about 2 inches big
  19. kirkreynolds

    water testers

    i was told not to use the quick dip test to test my tank? any suggestions on what i should use instead?
  20. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    does no one know how to help me on this?