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  1. carlos413

    Fount these in my fuge what kinda of snails

    Found these in my fuge, what kinda of snails are they? are they good bad?
  2. carlos413

    Name that coral!!!!!

    I am not sure but it looks like a torch coral
  3. carlos413

    under skimming cause cyanobacteria?

    Thank you spanko
  4. carlos413

    under skimming cause cyanobacteria?

    Originally Posted by ADEE I dont know for sure but I will say I stopped using my skimmer (because it was sooo LOUD and our 125 is in our bedroom) and we had almost instant cyano outbreak bad!! I have since turned it back on, moved my powerheads closer to the sand and things seem to have cleared...
  5. carlos413

    Looking for a reef safe star fish.

    Originally Posted by jackri My serpent star has been super easy to care for, feed him directly about once or twice a week and does great in my 90. Don't really see him much until feeding time if he's hungry -- then I try and give him a shrimp pellet. Are they reef safe? If so how big they get...
  6. carlos413

    Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!

    I got a gbta, it's been in my tank for six months now with two OCE clowns. Clowns look happy as the anemone. No hosting yett "crossing fingers". I feed mine 2x a week. Raw clams, shrimp, scallops, krill & silversides I mix it up. When it reaches the size I like I ll feed once a week.
  7. carlos413

    what do you guys keep your salinity at?

    Originally Posted by evanjah enough said 1.024 if you have inverts you need to be in the higher end of acceptable salinity. fish can tolarate lower salinity.
  8. carlos413

    90 gln 2 year mark

    Nice, keep up the good work
  9. carlos413

    Got a new skimmer help with micro bubbles

    I just got a new skimmer, Coralife super skimmer 65 gallon version. I upgraded from a red sea prizem. I am getting lots of micro bubbles just wondering if anyone has this skimmer and issue and could advise me on how to reduce the bubbles. Any comments on proformance or tips on this skimmer would...
  10. carlos413

    under skimming cause cyanobacteria?

    will a protien skimmer that is too small for the tank its on contribute to cyanobacteria outbrake? I have a red sea prizem skimmer, its rated for 40 gallon tank. I am running a 55 gallon. I have coverd all my bases, lights on for eight hours. I am feeding once everyother day. I make sure they...
  11. carlos413

    I got flat worms!!!!!!!!!! Errrrrrrr.

    Originally Posted by GeoJ Orange with red dot, or clear Clear ones for sure
  12. carlos413

    I got flat worms!!!!!!!!!! Errrrrrrr.

    Ok so I get home from work I looked in my fuge I there was three little flat worms moveing along the sides of the tank. I looked in the dt did not see any. I know if there is one there are more. How can I get rid of them. I read some on flat worm exit. Anyone that gone threw this before could help?
  13. carlos413

    Do ByColor Angelfish Eat Copepods

    I wish I had that many pods.
  14. carlos413

    ifirefights 130 gallon reef version 2.0

    All I can say is WOW, two thumbs up!
  15. carlos413

    how to replenish sand?

    thank you guys
  16. carlos413

    how to replenish sand?

    how to replenish sand? I want a deeper sand bed. I have a reef tank with corals and sponges. how can add more sand with out it bothering my corals?
  17. carlos413

    whats acceptable KH reading for a reef tank?

    Originally Posted by spanko 2.5 meq/l. Right on natural sea water value. Well done. Thank you