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  1. puff_puff_

    girl help

    i also have an older brother but they had to put him away for a while.. and hes no longer aloud near school zones.. poor guy all he has is his fish... right tanker? (tanker555 would be my brother..) ***)
  2. puff_puff_

    Some stuff for sale

    tanker555 is my older but slower brother... some one should help him.. he just put a dogfaced puffer in his REEF with tons of corals and inverts and gobys... i dont get it... he thinks its cute.. but dosnt understand... PLEASE guide him.
  3. puff_puff_

    F/S bag of chaeto macro algae

    me too :happyfish
  4. puff_puff_

    My blue madrin finally came out

    we got this one about a week ago.. hes also shy but comes out from time to time.. absolute treat to have in the tank.. my wife calls him the Hippy Fishy. she wants to know if you lick him if you well get high! (like the frogs) shes a little touched
  5. puff_puff_

    invert clash?

    reef bug.. when you say bill are you referring to petzone? and psusoccer if you bought all that i would be intrestead in buying some of it off you if you dont want it..
  6. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    my looses totlaed about 50 bucks.. my time totaled about 100 bucks.. the other 650 was my big mouth and threats...
  7. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    opheria no i will not and i have been very cautious despite what you think.. and i generally only shop at the petzone which is owned and ran by a friend for 25 years... i just happened to bet here and new a red scooter was somthing i wanted and it looked close enough to fool *****.. and...
  8. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    sure send it over im aware of what it is
  9. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    damn good question
  10. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    i thought i was done posting on this thread but i was wrong.. first thing is beth thank you very much for actually alowing me to read something helpful and useful on this thread. and second ***** just settled with me for 800 bucks for my time effort and deceased....
  11. puff_puff_

    48" Orbit Lights for sale.

    sorry 97
  12. puff_puff_

    48" Orbit Lights for sale.

    still here.. tanker is a comidian... still want the 48 inchers.. whats the bottom line i can buy them but i dont have a lot to spend...
  13. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    ??? i payed for a national petstore that claims pets first.... not the case
  14. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    can i close this thread cause the comments are getting dumber by the post.. i have a preditory fish in a reef enviornment cause ***** mislabled there fish.. 2 FOR 2!!!! no one see a {edit language} problem with that.... fish nuts well all must be.. nut being the operative word!
  15. puff_puff_

    Some stuff for sale

    alright i dont need the 36ers any more i got some but i do need the 30's so how much for them shipped to me 18640 again paypal is ready and waiting.. Jayson
  16. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    first off. cows are food soto. i usually see eye to eye.. but killing somthing for food and killing somthing out of neglect are 2 differnt things.. and to the queen.. i agree.. again at this point i am still a few months new and did do the research on the red scooter and if you look at my other...
  17. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    that is the truth, i am very new here. and i really didnt no that anti-***** was such a common thing to come across or i proably wouldnt have posted.. same reason i dont post when i get a new fish or coral like others.. if you want to see some ones new fish just look there posted everywhere...
  18. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    oh no i have a wonderful fish store that is 3 blocks from my house.. made the mistake of thinking a chain new what they were doing... ***** had some fish i wanted that the local didnt.. from now on anything my local dosnt have ill order from here... its just absurd the way the flaunt...
  19. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    thank you
  20. puff_puff_

    ***** Sucks! Here Is Why!

    as far as *****! experince 1 ICH in my brackish puffer tank from a ***** fish, went back the next day and they QTed there whole fish section.. we had bad words.. but they gave me a nice store credit for my troubles.. experince 2 clown goby turned out to be zebra barbed goby, not to bad but still...