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  1. chandler04

    A few Photos of my tanks

    Originally posted by Magic_Carp that 10 gallon looks alot bigger then 10 gallons! and your 55 is great, im loving those zoos. :D
  2. chandler04

    What can I add ?

    Its always nice to have more circulation, maybe set it on low for now. U went and got the trigger anyway? Triggers DO need a good amount of room to swim, and I dont no if 2 triggers will be okay for 5-6 months. Fish stores will tell u anything within reason to make a sale, but there is also the...
  3. chandler04

    720 gal

    Hey falconred, I just noticed this. That puffer u have there, they are also called sapo puffers then? Are they also called guineafowl puffers? I want one SOOO bad for my 120. Thinking of selling yers anythime soon? LOL!
  4. chandler04

    Stocking my 135

    Y dont u ditch the goruper and get a Harlequin tusk or some other sort of wrasses? Groupers are pooping machines, plus they grow VERY bg. Other than that, yer list sounds good to me. Puffers get along great, I think, as long as they dont look the same. So, yea, yer good.
  5. chandler04

    Pride and joy

    Gas- Will a 48"x24"x24" tank be good enough for a bamboo shark, or is it overkill?
  6. chandler04

    Woodland Park Zoo Picts

    Nice pics. The flowers, hippo ADN the girlfriend I must add... Very nice looking...:jumping:
  7. chandler04

    RED ALGAE!! AHHHH helo asap

    Its probably cyano algae which is caused by poor water quality+ poor water flow+too much light and also if u use tap water. You should just vacuum up wat u can, do a water change, put the rocks in front of a pwoerhead in a tub or sumthing (filled with sw, or even in a 5 gallon bucket filled with...
  8. chandler04

    Puffer fish

    Dont get a tesseleta eel unless u want yer fish to start getting eaten. Vicious creatures they are, and they grow to be dam near 6 feet long:eek: Another porky would be super as long as the tank is large enough, and even so, porks are usually calm enough towards creatures their size. I know its...
  9. chandler04


    Hey, if u liked the alein movies and if u liked the predator movies, then "Alien vs. Predator" is up yer alley. It was AWESOME!! A really cool movie, exactly wat ud expect coming from the prequals and even MORE!! Im not gonna spoil anything, but lemme tell ya, go and see it. Youll love it:yes:
  10. chandler04

    Hey, we broke the record...

    Just becuz...:D
  11. chandler04

    Ever been to jail?

    Originally posted by MR. Tuna I agree... :yes: I am 13, and i can bench 150.. but i dont give a ----. Wasnt bragging... Just letting em no that im not a small guy is all. Good job though. Wat do u max out on? You play football?
  12. chandler04


    But lions arent reef safe, so it isnt a reef animal, so u should post in a fish forum. How did u need an answer anyway? Yer fish died and there was nothing u could do? U were just looking for pity like u always are wen sumthing dies or goes wrong. Everytime something happens to u u post, and we...
  13. chandler04

    125.. will this work

    No 3 yellow tangs. If yer gonna get a big tank, why dont u utilize it?? Are u getting a big tank just for the sake of it? If yer just gonna get a tang, and then some small damselfish, wats the point? What about like a volitan lion, or maybe a "purple" tang, or a group of 3 anthias, or maybe even...
  14. chandler04

    Pride and joy

    And this is the little "princess"!!!
  15. chandler04

    Pride and joy

    Ive got two. This is Nick.
  16. chandler04


    Could I just ask WHY he posted in the REEF section though??:notsure:
  17. chandler04

    Need Advice! Please Help!

    Try to buy an anemone that is already hosting a clown in the store if u can. Thats yer best bet. Also, buy some pretty powerful lights to keep the anemone alive. It out not to be too difficult or pricey considering the size of yer tank. Maybe strong power compacts or metal halides. Sorry bout...
  18. chandler04

    Yellow Tang is FAT as HELL - pregnant?

    Has it pooped in a while? It might explode soon, or it just might be pleasently plump!!:D
  19. chandler04

    Water Tank or Wife?

    Umm, Ron Burgundy's "interpretation" of the meaning of the name San Diego is VERY off, and very inappropriate, in a way. It was hilarious though. Apparently he thought the germans discovered the city in 1840... Thats all I can say for now:D