Texas right? I am in Tulsa but travel down that way all the time. How much for the rock? How far are you from I35 and the OK border? POst some pics if you got them.
So I am looking to get a MH setup and wanted to see what everyones opinion is on the 150W HL MH Retro Kit from HelloLights which comes with the ARO ballast. Has anyone tried it? I would like to do a 150watt 20K setup for my 75gal.
So what bulbs are everyone using??? Why the 10K, 14K, or even 20K? Why would I choose one over another? I currently have a 75gal and looking to upgrade lighting and need some help. Thank you in advance.
http://www.mycomas.com/content/view/89/102/ is the link for the CRASE in OK this year. Check it out. There will be vendors from all over attending and also showing us the right way to frag etc...
Anyone located in Oklahoma selling frags? Or is anyone in OK needing to get rid of anything in there tanks? The selection in Tulsa has not been that great recently. Also, do you know about Crase going on in Edmond in October?