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  1. up north hermit

    Cleaning Liverock??

    It is always a good thing to emulate nature whenever possible in our tanks. Storms and hurricanes are Natures way of keeping the reef in check, and all the life therein and thereon in perfect balance. It is a natural thing. Old and dying coral is "offed" during a storm. Many animals are...
  2. up north hermit

    Prizm dimensions ?

    I, QUEEN of the Prizm, bows humbly before the shark! :D I had mine on a 125!! The reason for my statement is that after 6 months of use, IMHO the flow rate of this wonderful device is just too low for bigger tanks. But by no means does the capacity for skimming diminish. To skim effectively my...
  3. up north hermit

    Never makes a water change!!

    I agree with everybody! :rolleyes: As has been stated, your system is unique. It is like a fingerprint in its uniqueness! There is not another one like it on this planet. So no one can tell you exactly what would work for your tank. With that said, the single most important component of...
  4. up north hermit

    Putting CLARKII Clowns...

    A pair of Clarkii's MIGHT be fine, but there is already another pair of clowns in the tank in question. Bringing the total to 4 clownfish. In addition to whatever else may/may not be in the tank. And clownfish can get big, especially clarkii's. They would not thrive in a 30 gal/tank, in which...
  5. up north hermit

    Prizm dimensions ?

    :D :D :D :D :D Hermit P.S. In case you haven't heard, I am The Prizm Queen, so called for my advocation of this super scum suckin' little dude!! A great little skimmer for small tanks, nothing over 55, IMHO.
  6. up north hermit

    Putting CLARKII Clowns...

    IMHO, in a It is just too small of a space. My Clarkii is really too big for my 40, all by himself. It would be like having 4 adults live in a one room flat, 8'x8'. :eek: HTH Hermit
  7. up north hermit

    Sand sifter suggestions

    I actually purchased two sand sifting cukes as a result of talking to Dr. Ron. He advocates the use of these critters. Mine are doing a great job, so far. I guess like everything else, the jury is still out. There is much to be learned, and, of course, all systems and critters have their own...
  8. up north hermit

    Fish Longevity

    My oldest fish is a clarkii clown that is 12, in addition to however old he was when he was caught. He is affectionately called "gramps" now. Everyone must pass his inspection in the tank. He lives in and feeds three Rose Bubble Tip anemones. Hermit ;)
  9. up north hermit

    Anyone Use Magnavore??

    $39 for the smallest one! :eek: They have larger ones than work on tanks 1000 gallons and above! Go to their web site and check 'em out. I first saw them advertised in FAMA magazine. Hermit
  10. up north hermit

    Lawnmower Blennie info

    Lawnmower blennies: Genus Salarias, more specifically, Salarias fasciatus, are a terrific animal. Hardy, disease resistant, great alage cleaners (love those Marilyn Monroe lip prints), all that and personality plus. Most of them think they are movie stars. :D If you have a smaller tank, keep...
  11. up north hermit

    Anyone Use Magnavore??

    Has anyone used Magnavore algae cleaning magnets? They are very pricey, and I'm wondering if they are worth the big bucks. TIA Hermit
  12. up north hermit

    Cyanobacteria-Help me please!

    You have mail kb. I went back to the site I posted and followed the links backward, until I came across the link to another BB. I didn't even know it was on this persons' PERSONAL website. So, I guess I'll answer my own query. Don't post any information sites unless you are sure that it contains...
  13. up north hermit

    Cyanobacteria-Help me please!

    Are we not allowed to post links to an information only site?????????????????? Where did my post go?????????????????? I posted a link to a site with information on cynaobacteria to help you kb. But it has disappeared. Would some one explain? Please :mad: Hermit
  14. up north hermit

    Fern Alg.

    Here is a site to help I.D algaes--with pictures..... :D HTH Hermit
  15. up north hermit

    Sharks, Newbies.....anyone : I NEED HELP: LS added to tank, water wont clear

    @knight, Wait it out. It will clear. I'm not sure why it is so cloudy, I don't know how you added it. I put 130 lbs of ESV oolitic in my 40, UNRINSED, and it was clear within 12 hours. I had some base rock in place and poured the saltwater in very slowly over the rock. Maybe that helped. But...
  16. up north hermit

    Birth Announcement--Bubble Tip Split!!

    BTW, to answer above question, I do have a clarkii clownfish that lives in a larger BT on the other side of the reef. But he feeds all the anemones. He is going to be even busier now keeping everyone happy! :D He is "Gramps" in the tank. I inherited him from a friend's tank, who had had him for...
  17. up north hermit

    Birth Announcement--Bubble Tip Split!!

    Flydan----make that proud MAMA........ :D This new anemone is an exact replica of the original. She is a Rose Bubble Tip, with an oral disk approx. 3" across! I am convinced now I need a web cam, with infra red light for night viewing! Who knows when this happened, but I am one of those that...
  18. up north hermit

    Birth Announcement--Bubble Tip Split!!

    Hey just wanted to share my great news. My beautiful Rose Bubble Tip Anemone has split! Now I have TWO beautiful RBT anemones! I'm just a liiiiiiiiiitle excited here! Happy Hermit :D
  19. up north hermit

    ESV vs. Seachem

    The additives you are using now are excellent. The two parters are basically the same thing, as the B-Ionic, C-Balance, etc. They are more "convenient". Simply measure and pour every day, rather than the mixing you are now doing. But it comes with a price, of course. I did a 3 month experiment...
  20. up north hermit

    live sand

    It's hard to answer that ? without alot more info on your tank. But suffice to say, it all depends on what you have now, and what your intentions are in adding the sand. If you are just going to add a little sand for bio-diversity, it can do no harm. HTH Hermit