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  1. wablondie98664


    i was wondering how much evaporation everyone gets in their tanks. since i set up my 150 with 975 watts of metal halide, i am replacing 3 or more gallons of water a day. this amount seems like alot to me, is this a normal amount??
  2. wablondie98664

    zapping majano

    yeah i was just going to leave mine alone untill they started multiplying like crazy. the mushrooms they were starting to surround wer'nt opening as big lately either, so i decided mine had to go.
  3. wablondie98664

    zapping majano

    and here is right after squirting them.
  4. wablondie98664

    zapping majano

    when i first set up my 55 gal almost a year ago i gat some live rock with 2 tiny majano anemones on them. at first i didn't know what they were ant thought they were kinda cool looking.over the next several months they didn't really multipply so i left them. when i swicthed over to my new tank...
  5. wablondie98664

    Help or Bragging Forum?

    hmmmm. if fish are doing fine, there may be no chemicles:confused: have you tried testing for copper? i know that can be deadly for inverts.
  6. wablondie98664

    Help or Bragging Forum?

    your live rock and sand probably absorbed a lot of the chemicles from the soap and now are leeching them back into the water. you are probably going to have to ditch the sand and live rock, scrup your tank real well and start over. hth
  7. wablondie98664

    saying hi

    thanks everyone, i have had the pbt for almost 2 weeks now, with no problems at all. he eats anything and everything i put into the tank. i have been feeding the fish food heavily soaked in garlic to try and prevent any ich since i know the pbt is highly suseptable to it.
  8. wablondie98664

    saying hi

    and my powder blue:D
  9. wablondie98664

    saying hi

    gold stripe maroon and scissortail in 30 gal
  10. wablondie98664

    saying hi

    another of my maroon
  11. wablondie98664

    saying hi

    i got some cute pics of my fish tonight, looks like they are all saying HI
  12. wablondie98664

    Happy Tankmates?

    you could possibly get a yellow tang or a kole tang, those two do well in a tank your size. or other fish you could look in to are firefish, anthias, cardinals
  13. wablondie98664

    Happy Tankmates?

    a 65 gal is too small to keep a hippo tang long term. they get too big and need lots of swimming room. the racoon would be fine, otherwise you fish load sounds good
  14. wablondie98664

    Minimum Lighting for Corals

    i am assuming your 4 40 watt bulbs are normal output florescents? if that is the case you won't be able to keep any corals under that. you will need for a 60 gal at least 200 -240 watts of power compact for low light corals. HTH
  15. wablondie98664

    Reef Tank

    yes, as long as you have the right lighting, any size tank can be a reef
  16. wablondie98664

    new additions

  17. wablondie98664

    new additions

    well i am down to 2 sexy shrimp:nope: one of them there has been no sign of since i added them and a few days ago i found one stck in a powerhead. the two i have left are the bigger ones we got and they seem to be doing really well:joy:
  18. wablondie98664

    First 6 Pack!

    i love the sexy shrimp:)
  19. wablondie98664

    :( Well, one Mandarin, one Clownfish, and one Gramma later...

    if you can get him out, i'd put him in a bucket and a makeshift lid
  20. wablondie98664

    My new blue hippo story

    sounds great:D good luck with her