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  1. kjord97

    Dwarf Lion And A Reef??

    funny you should ask, yesterday i was crusin around in here, and there is pic of someones tank that has a dwarf lion in there reef tank. They have shrimp and other fish, even have a white ribbon eel. So from what he posted, he has never had problems, just have to watch so you...
  2. kjord97

    Moderator ??? please

    Hello, our saltwater club in Souther Maryland . We are having our FIRST ANNUAL REEF Syposium, I am curious if i can place a thread in here to advertise for it, This is what it will say. Thanx. The Southern Maryland Marine Aquarium Society is proud to host the First Southern...
  3. kjord97

    Coral ID

    ohhh yeah, my first reef tank was a 20 gal, and i have grown to 125 gal in about 2 years, most of all my corals started in the 20gal, and as they grew, they kept givin me an excuss to get a bigger tank. hehe
  4. kjord97

    Please Help

    the size of the MH 175 250 and 400, go with the bigger mh the deeper the tank. I have a 125 gallon 6 ft long and 14 inches deep. I have 2 175 mh's and my tank is growing great. I use the coralife aqualight pro. nice set of lights and everyone likes them . I have 2...
  5. kjord97

    Coral ID

    if they are star polyps which that is what they look like, they like a good current going across them, and live off the light. They grow like crazy and look cool with a power head blowin on them .
  6. kjord97

    shroom invasion

    Yes i must ask what are you adding to the water to make them grow???? I have lots of different shrroms, they just get big but dont split. I am about to start fragin them though to make them split. It is so easy to frag shrroms. You can just slice and dice them and all the little...
  7. kjord97

    Wet dry/ sump diagram help!!!

    yup it is in the disclamier, to take views and opionins from 10 people before you come to your own conclusion.
  8. kjord97

    will a Coral Banded Shrimp go in my tank

    I have had my CBS since i first started my reef in a 20 gall 2 years ago. The tank has since been upgraded 4 times and now he is in a 125 gal reef. I also have 3 pepermins and Cleaner shrimp. Never have had problems. BUt hmm for some reason every time i buy a 30 dollar fish...
  9. kjord97

    Wet dry/ sump diagram help!!!

    you can put about 3 inches of agro sand in sump and then just buy about 10 lbs of rubble to throw in there. You will be fine. Scratch the aeration idea, you dont need it. Also throw some plant algae in there, and a small light so your algea will grow.
  10. kjord97

    Coralife Aqualight Pro...Is this the best???

    Alright if i must, here is a pic of my tank, with the 2 36'' corallife aqua light set up. Last week i put a black oceanvisions background on, so i need a new pic.
  11. kjord97

    Canister filters (=

    i do not like canisters to much cause they trap debris and create alot of nitrates if you dont clean them often.
  12. kjord97

    Canister filters (=

    Yes i use the Large model CPR hang on tank aquafudge refugium on both of my Tanks. A 125 reef and a 45 fowlr. It is great and works well. There is lots you can put in them. I have about 4 inches of sand in both with lots of green and alage culpera i think it is spelled...
  13. kjord97

    xenia still dieing

    I add kent marine Iodine, once a week usally thursday.
  14. kjord97

    Cleaner Shrimp in Action

    I wish i had my camara today. I was at the LFS and there was a little cleaner in action, execpt he was sittin in the mouth of a very large moray. The site was very nice to see. The cleaner just cleanin away at that big ol dirty mouth.
  15. kjord97

    xenia still dieing

    Your water quality seems great. I will tell you though, xenias are very weird. I know that if they are pulsers, then the PH will greatly affect them. Also if you add freshwater to tank to fast and change salanity quickly, it will stunt there growth. I can look at my xenias and...
  16. kjord97

    Canister filters (=

    IMO i would never go with a canister, to much cleanin , and to many areas for build up to occur, and nitritas to rise. If you dont want a sump, i highly suggest the cpr line of hang on back refugiums. I think they are great, and the only maintanced needed is to pull some alaga out...
  17. kjord97

    Coralife Aqualight Pro...Is this the best???

    I have 2 36 inch aqua light pros on my tank. it is a 125 gal reef. I like the versitility of haveing the 2 different sets, so i dont have to remove all the lights when i am workin on the tank. I was thinkin of getting the 72 inch version of the lights, but changed my mind. I also...
  18. kjord97

    Cora Life skimmer?

    I have the 125 seriers, and it works great. the problem with the micro bubbles goes away after a few hours up to a few days. It is just getting broken in, also if you add a chemical to your water for example, a slim coat protector or bacteria builder, the skimmer will creat micro...
  19. kjord97

    Wet dry/ sump diagram help!!!

    I personaly have never liked the wet dry system. Maybe because i am just plumbing challanged. :notsure: I have a 45 gal FOWLR that has been set up for 3 years. I have a 3 inch sand bed and about 40lbs of live rock. the only filter i have is a CPR hang on back refugium. I have...
  20. kjord97

    Adding Chemicals to Tank????

    Originally Posted by ReefNut Well here's the thing... one MAJOR thing he left out is testing. Adding kalk mix, strontium or anything else blindly is a bad idea. I do like his slow as you go approach but you HAVE to test your levels and add only what is needed to maintain those levels...