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  1. joerdie

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    wow....thats a strong sponge... (heavy sarcasm) LOL
  2. joerdie

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    lerch694u if you are having thaty kind of growth with a UV then just imagine what kind of growth you could have without it. it is science fact that UV sterilizers kill everything NOT JUST THE BAD!! so currently you are killing good stuff that will help that "giant tree sponge" grow. on a...
  3. joerdie

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    hello everyone.. i just finished reading this 9 mile long thread and had some obsevations that i would like to speak of. First I'd like to talk about UV sterilizers. they are great in a FO or FOWLR tank because they do kill the bad stuff, however if you are running a reef and trying to keep...
  4. joerdie

    tossed the eclipse. got a tank like u guys said!

    okay. im know im going to stir up some contraversy by stating this but yes you can add polups with those lights... but not yet and as for you wanting to add plants. in a 29g i wouldnt recoment it. you see calerpa (the most popular type of sw plant, witch has many different forms) will overtake a...
  5. joerdie

    Bettas in saltwater????

    you can accually put guppies in sw but they need to be acclimated VEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYY SSSSLLLLOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLYYYYY (very slowly) anyhoo you can.
  6. joerdie

    New dummy here-help me please!

    Originally posted by DCR I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. Most people thought everything would be dead by now and things seem o.k. What is going to cause this gigantic and fatal ammonia spike that is going to kill everything by tomorrow? The entire bottom of my tank is not...
  7. joerdie

    Am I Doomed?

    i have never NOT used a skimmer and IMO it is nessesary but again thats MO. as for maintenence, basicly the only maintenence you need to do after you set up a skimmer is to emty the cup. (witch is grose) but is a small price topay for the great good that they do.
  8. joerdie

    weight of tank

    if the tank is only a 29g it will be fine. IMO you could have up to a 55g and can go much larger if you are on the bottom floor. basicly just dont build a 150-500g on the 10th floor of an apartment. as for the second part of your question i dont know how well the contained systems filter a reef...
  9. joerdie


    what are some good brands of skimmers for a 150g
  10. joerdie

    Mag Drive?

    i am currently using a mag7 and a mag9.5 and i love them!!! the mag7 is hooked up to a crazy spraybar system that goes all over my tank. the 9.5 is in-line for my sump and this thing is a work horse. it always starts right up after power outages, and doesnt make very much noise. you can get...
  11. joerdie

    Sand in the Sump???

    if you dont want to make a refugium and add another pump to the tank (IMO its worth it) you could build a phlenum and the water could flow through the bio-balls to the bottom and then up through the layer of sand. it has worked a couple of times for me.
  12. joerdie

    It cant Hurt... Can It??

    thanx naclh2o- if i go mod-berlin how do i need to run my sump? do i still need to build a chamber or can i just run the pvc from the overflow strait into the bottom of the sump?
  13. joerdie

    uv sterilizer question

    i have gone with them and without them and i can tell you only this. If you want corals to thrive dont use it (you will stunt their growth) but if you are just keeping fish it will cut down on alge and parasites.
  14. joerdie

    reef vs. saltwater aquarium

    do you like your clown and damsel? if so DO NOT put a shark in!! they will be gone as soon as the shark can fit them into its mouth. just my $.02
  15. joerdie

    is this dangerous?

    now i realize you are talking about rock anemones but jak424 is right. Haitian (sp) anemones will not take clowns and i have a few small rock anemones that came with some live rock. they have split and split again and seem to attack each other moreso than go after fish.
  16. joerdie

    It cant Hurt... Can It??

    I have been reading the DIY threads for a while and thought i would jump over here to see what was up. the first thing i noticed upon reading these threads is that there is a lot of people saying (and i know it is just their opinions) that you dont need bio-balls in a sump if you have a DSB and...
  17. joerdie

    OT: Cool ghost in the backgrround. Must have sound to hear the moaning...

    i get this stuff all of the time and i am never scared...untill now. that was really a cool link
  18. joerdie

    Painted my Tank

    spray paint huh. do you have any pics.
  19. joerdie

    Mag-7 Tell me I didn't screw up

    i saw those in petsmart just the other day and asked a close friend of mine who works there what was up with them. he says that the caseing is different for the pond version but other than that it is the same. he has given me great advice in the past but i would still be carefull.
  20. joerdie

    I need help with tangs!!

    pstanley- thats a great point about the lfs. i also keep a powder blue tang in my 55g. i am in the process of upgrading to a 150g but it isnt to make my tang feel better. (bigger is better;) ) i happen to think that all published rescerch is up for question. and thats not to say that the people...