Search results

  1. theappe

    Shark pond construction pictures

    looking good!
  2. theappe

    Want to trade.

    dimensions are 14x4x14" with an 11" PC light. I'll get the pictures later on.
  3. theappe

    Shrimp on a treadmill?

    wow now ive seen it all. no more jumbo shrimp, they are on a diet!
  4. theappe

    125 Gallon Aquarium My List of Wants

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 I'd hold out on the Blue Linka they are very delicate and would be way down the road.....The acclimation is very important there.....2 types of clowns probably won't go as well..... ditto
  5. theappe

    My front yard in

    must be nice!
  6. theappe


    I wish my sixline would eat it, but hasnt touched it yet.
  7. theappe


    softies = any coral that is soft with no skeleton. Xenias, leathers, colt, shrooms, star polyps, etc...
  8. theappe

    Help with starting new tank I think that contains all or most of the info you will need for you setup
  9. theappe

    let me see them feather dusters

    here is mine!
  10. theappe


    I think that a bristleworm is eating my xenias. I tried tweezers but that thing is fast as heck!
  11. theappe

    Want to trade.

    I have a new CPR style HOB fuge with lights and included skimmer. I was looking for a AquaC Remora. Or make an offer. Comes with 18w PC light. Pics upon request.
  12. theappe

    Salinity Algebra

    a refractometer is the best investment ever!
  13. theappe

    coral banded vs. cleaner shrimp

    how big of a system would be required to keep these two.
  14. theappe

    Some trippin videos of some mantises.

    Those things are def not fun!
  15. theappe

    Too many bioballs?

    I would also suggest to stop vaccuming your sand. You shouldnt be doing this. You are removing a bunch of beneficial bacteria and possibly stirring up nitrates.
  16. theappe

    Why did my multiflora linckia drop a leg?

    It could be that he is reproducing. I saw a thread on here a while back ago and someone had an orange linkia loose all its legs and they all became starfish.
  17. theappe

    Inspired by NM Reef

    Wow those are a lot of clams. Looks nice. Cant wait to see em in the tank!
  18. theappe

    OCTOPUS feeding video

    The changing colors is off the chain! Yeah how about that feeding stick, lol
  19. theappe

    Smokin BTA

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Yea, thats what Im thinkin too. I just dont know. Like I said, never seen it before.... Everything is still fine. Fish, corals all seem fine, normal. tested again today and no spikes in levels. Clowns even layed eggs yesterday in their same spot. Thanks all for the...