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  1. aquaman order

    Lets try again, shall we...
  2. aquaman order

    arrrrg...I will try again later.
  3. aquaman order

    The 1st one didn't work.
  4. aquaman order

    This is the only pic I took that came out. I will try to post a few more next week.
  5. aquaman

    Mandarin question

    Reeflower good choice. I have had to let a few dream fish go as well, at least for now. But it is good to want things we cannot have at times. It teaches us patience, and gives us something to look forward to. I cannot wait for the day that My house in TX will sell, so I can buy a house her in...
  6. aquaman

    Mandarin question

    if you are putting the mandarin in a 30 gal it is destined to die. There will NOT be enough pos for it to live on! Please reconsider the mandarin, and if you already have one take it back or give it to someone with a large VERY established tank!
  7. aquaman order

    I ordered it last Friday and added special instructions to have it derived this Friday. That is my day off so I am available take the time needed for them. I got two false Perculas 10 turbo snails, five peppermint shrimp, one CBS and five scarlet hermits. BTW, I have already made another order...
  8. aquaman order

    live orders are fedex to you over night.
  9. aquaman order

    I got my order today, (3rd one since I became a member) and once again, I am very happy with the quality! really does a fine job with its service! :D :D
  10. aquaman

    Stores vs. Online

    Originally posted by Aquaman I just made my third order from (here) today, and look forward to getting it next week. It should go without saying (since this is my 3rd order) that I am very happy with the quality and service of :D Just a quick update, I got my order...
  11. aquaman

    do i make water to put in the sump?

    if you have some pics of your set up it would help a lot. As for drilling a hole, is this for the return or the intake?
  12. aquaman

    do i make water to put in the sump?

    Yeah, I take the water out of the sump, because it is less stressful to the fish. Also it keep me from dripping salt water onto the outside of my display tank. If toy do a search on sumps you should be able to find some good pics that will be very helpful.
  13. aquaman

    do i make water to put in the sump?

    For temp control. This is important for the animals in your tank. With too much of a temp change the fish could get stresses out, and get sick. Also, the temperature is directly related to specific gravity if you have a hydrometer.
  14. aquaman

    do i make water to put in the sump?

    Fill it 1/2 way, but have extra on hand just in case. BTW I forgot to mention to make sure the temperature was the same before you start sending the sump water back to the main tank.
  15. aquaman

    do i make water to put in the sump?

    You will need to make some water to put in due to the new space for the water volume to fill. Make sure it is good and mixed first, fill the sump with this and add some from your tank then let her rip.
  16. aquaman

    Peppermint shrimp with CBS?

    Originally posted by ctgretzky9 I would love to add some more shrimp...I only have 1 CBS in each of my tanks, and have always read to keep one per tank-it even says so on this website . I guess in the 125 i could have a couple since it is large, but in my 60 hex would 2 CBS be ok? Anyone have...
  17. aquaman

    Peppermint shrimp with CBS?

    I have had 8 in a 30 gal and have 3 in a 10 gal now.
  18. aquaman

    Stores vs. Online

    I just made my third order from (here) today, and look forward to getting it next week. It should go without saying (since this is my 3rd order) that I am very happy with the quality and service of :D
  19. aquaman

    How long can I keep my new shark in my 55 gallon tank?

    see this is proof positive that sharks do not need a large tank...or any at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. aquaman

    How long can I keep my new shark in my 55 gallon tank?

    Originally posted by cincyreefer That shark doesn't look real to me.... Pictures never do the real tank justice. I assure you it looks better and more menicing in life. :hilarious