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  1. snailheave

    xbox 360

    Originally Posted by keleighr I myself love Dark Watch Halo2 Love the double gun action!!!! I just bought Doom3 and am still having a problem with the Controller. Does opposite of what you want it to do! Area 51 took awhile for me to warm up to it. Now I am playing The Nightmare Before...
  2. snailheave

    xbox 360

    Originally Posted by keleighr why I love you!! ***) i am glad my sorry existence in morrowind amuzez joo such
  3. snailheave

    Gaze Upon the Cuteness

    fine. i'll go pout now
  4. snailheave

    So Sad

    i think you should skip the cleaner clams and get your neo goby a friend x 2 ps kelly is rich
  5. snailheave

    what jd and darth are getting

    unfortunately i cant fit into mine anymore
  6. snailheave

    Gaze Upon the Cuteness

    Originally Posted by crazyzeus1 So sweet....I love rough kitty-tongues! SnailHeaveN---add that to your database.... rarely do i have a willing subject
  7. snailheave

    Gaze Upon the Cuteness

    your tank has fish? or no? i think your algae problem has to do with the initial tap water fill.
  8. snailheave

    snail heaveN off-kilter commentary tank building thread

    i find it much easier for myself as a 'learner' to look at pictures than just words and descriptions.
  9. snailheave

    So Sad

    why don't you start with 3 chromis? and when things settle down, get something else. that's how i did it. in fact, the 4 chromis i started out with are still with us.
  10. snailheave

    Movie Recommendations

    jarhead suq ass i heard
  11. snailheave

    So Sad

    or clowns
  12. snailheave

    So Sad

    the one who lost a fish and is/was sad
  13. snailheave

    parents... please read!!!

    you'll be surprised how many people are trying that look.
  14. snailheave

    So Sad

    not you.
  15. snailheave

    Movie Recommendations

    i like stevie nicks' voice. thats about it
  16. snailheave

    Base Rock?? And Cycling??

  17. snailheave

    parents... please read!!!

    i've seen the hairdo around.... i don't think it looks good on most people.
  18. snailheave

    Durso standpipe question

    from my experiencing... you just thread the thing in and drill a hole on the cap. the toughest part is actually the hole drilling. not that the drilling itself is hard but drilling a hole of appropriate size is takes some trial and error
  19. snailheave

    Base Rock?? And Cycling??

    it doesn't block out the dirt but it prevents fish jumping out a glass cover prevents dirt from falling into the tank but it also reduces gas exchange. i've never used a canister filter so i can't really tell you if it has anything to do with it. i say to give it some time since before you had...
  20. snailheave

    Base Rock?? And Cycling??

    then i would just get eggcrate. an eggcrate can be obtained at lowe's or home depot. it looks like this (pic) if the workers don't know what an eggcrate is, tell them 'light cover.'