Gaze Upon the Cuteness


Active Member
My Husband and I just adopted this little cute.
She is the Ultimate cute.
She is the unstoppable cute.
Can't stop the cute.
Can't stop it.
......Behold; The Unbearable Cuteness of Lilly.



Good luck with the kitty, Mimz. She is a cutie for sure. Don't let her see your tank, she will want to help you fish. What did you name her/him?


Active Member
YAY! Thanx for the compliments all

Diane, we named her Lilly - she's about 10 weeks old and an absolute little monkey :joy:
We are so in love.
As for the tank....oh she's already caught sight of it. When she's not RUNNING all over the place making our poor older cat INSANE, she's sitting on her velvet pillow on the couch infront of the tank - waving her tail ominously. the tank is NOT covered in green algae - I do not for the life of me understand how the lighting could have been so evil to my beautiful tank...but the point of the pix is the kitten anyhow



Member sweet! My stepdaughter is deathly allergic to cats...we found that out the hard way when we adopted a cat from the humane society & my stepdaughters eyes swelled shut about 5 minutes after we got the cat home! This was 7 years ago...and we still bring up Romeo the Cat every now and then!
So sweet....I love rough kitty-tongues! SnailHeaveN---add that to your database....


Active Member
Awww... that's so sad! Sometimes allergies dissapear as a person gets older...have u had her allergy tested recently?
It might be worth a shot. But then again, my father's been allergic to cats since he was little. His parents had a cat until my Dad was around 13 years old. When the cat died, my father realized he'd been living with only half a nostril to breathe out of!
Oh, and when I worked in a Barnes and Noble, we found a little kid's book in the toddler section about baby animals. One of the pages had this phrase printed above a picture of kittens licking a little boy;
"I love scratchy kitty-cat kisses."
You can imagine the fun that ensued when we discovered this book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
So sweet....I love rough kitty-tongues! SnailHeaveN---add that to your database....
rarely do i have a willing subject


Active Member
Snail, as I said, my tank does NOT have a green algae problem - it only looks really green in the pictures, I don't know why...must be the lighting. The flash on my Husband's camera does really strange things to photos sometimes.
Anyhow, yes, I've got 2 ocellaris in there (sold to me labeled as percula, of course), along with a cleanup crew and some corals. I'll post pictures of what it actually looks like later this week after the big water change I'm preparing for.


Mimz, you should enter that picture in some online contests. That is too cute for words. Great picture.
Snailheave, must you be crude, that was nasty. Your an odd duck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by diane4
Mimz, you should enter that picture in some online contests. That is too cute for words. Great picture.
Snailheave, must you be crude, that was nasty. Your an odd duck.
if i am an odd duck, wouldn't the two of us make it even?


Active Member
one of these days i'll take down the walls you built around yourself brick by brick and you'll convert to the dark side. we are all having fun here.


nah, I have a sense of humor, just a different kind than yours. I can accept the person you are. The forum would be boring if everyone was the same.