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  1. nickb

    Jebo 36" MH + PC HELP!!

    Bumpity Bump, take me up! Help please!
  2. nickb

    Jebo 36" MH + PC HELP!!

    Purchased a Jebo 36" 175w MH + 65x2 PC off an auction site. Received it, and am having a specific problem. There are 4 connectors coming out of the housing that the lights are in. 1 for the LED lights, 1 for the 175w MH, and one for each of the 65w PC. Included were two ballasts. The one for...
  3. nickb

    New MH's upgraded from PC's. Question!

    We do have two anemone's and some soft corals in the take. What now? Also, if this is full strength, that's weird. Because it seems like they are more dim than the lights we had previously. Nick
  4. nickb

    New MH's upgraded from PC's. Question!

    Ok, so we just upgraded our lights to a 175w MH and 2x65 compact flourescents. We were only using a 50/50 compact flourescent and a 30w actinic before. Right now only the MH is on (Something is wrong with the actinics, not sure what). It seems somewhat dark right now, but I heard it takes a...
  5. nickb

    Clown Help

    They aren't fighting or anything. Only other thing in there are 3 turbo snails. Live sand and live rock. I'll test parameters. Nick
  6. nickb

    Clown Help

    Perculas. They are both the same size (Although purchased seperately). Tank temp is 80 Gravity is 1.025. Nick
  7. nickb

    Clown Help

    Hello, I bought a second clownfish to go in my 10g tank. The first clownfish is very healthy, and seems to like his new home. The second clownfish seemed fine as well for a few days. But for almost the whole last week he has moved very little, staying low in the tank and not moving around...
  8. nickb

    Clown Seizures?

    I'm sure someone else will say this better, but I believe that is somewhat normal for the non-dominant (IE, smaller) clown to do. I think is a submission thing? nick
  9. nickb

    Where's He Going? Help.

    Quick Update. I'll bring in my digital camera. Things were looking grave. I finally pulled him out from behind the rock wall today, as he appeared to be shriveling up. I placed in him the crushed coral in front of the wall. His tentacles appear to look a bit better. I also placed some food...
  10. nickb

    Where's He Going? Help.

    Ok, its been 3 days now, and he's still back behind there. Showing no signs of moving. Not sure where he could go either, as its literally a rock wall as posted before. Obviously there are spots where he could fit through, as he got himself back there. But he's just not going anywhere...
  11. nickb

    Where's He Going? Help.

    Its a Long Tentacle Anemone. So I shouldnt worry that I can't get food back there? Nick
  12. nickb

    Where's He Going? Help.

    Hoping for a bit more help. He's now completely behind the rock wall we have in our tank (Goes from bottom to top of tank). I can't get any food back to where he is. He still looks OK (From what I can see). Any ideas? Should I take the wall down and move him out, or let him figure it out? Nick
  13. nickb

    Where's He Going? Help.

    Just bought my first anemone. I have two clowns in the tank, and was really hoping that they would take to this anemone. Instead, the anemone has slowly slunk back into the rock, and is now even further hidden than shown in this picture. I is impossible to get any food back to him. Any...
  14. nickb

    A Bunch of Newbie Questions

    Hi All, I figured I'd take a shot with all of the questions that I have in one big thread, and hope to get some help. My coworker and I have totally caught the fish bug. We run a 2-man business, so the office is all to ourselves. When he first came on board, I went out and bought my first...
  15. nickb

    Already Cycling?

    Hey Guys, I have a 10g tank that I am making a saltwater tank. I know I'll need to upgrade the lighting (currently has default lighting that comes with from Walmart). I put live sand and the water (With salt mixed in) into the tank a week ago. No LR or fish. I didnt get a chance to get a...