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  1. samurai_sushi

    ID Please

    Q-tip sponges, they'll cause no trouble.
  2. samurai_sushi

    Torn Fins

    well I don't know my fins very well but it is mainly the two on his sides. I believe it was a sally lightfoot. The fish was actually in a LFS that I have had good luck with so far with 4 different animals. I didn't notice his fins till after I bought him and I am acclimating him right now.
  3. samurai_sushi

    Torn Fins

    Will a fish's fins grow back if they're torn? The fish is a green clown goby. Thanks for the help.
  4. samurai_sushi

    whats up with parrotfish

    For starters they get big. VERY big. Also from what I have heard they prefer biting chunks off of live rock and then eating the algae on it, instead of just eating plain macroalgae or other greens. It could probobly get very expensive when the fish is crushing your live rock into sand.
  5. samurai_sushi

    My 10 gallon heavily planted tank with PICS and VIDEOS!

    Too all you freshwater peeps, do you think that a 20 gallon can hold this stock if it was planted? -6 cardinal tetras -3 celestial pearl danios -3 peppered cories -some algae eating fish -and a african dwarf frog Thanks for the help, nice tanks btw.
  6. samurai_sushi

    Kinda Interested in a planted tank

    Title says it. But After about 2 years of salt I really have no clue how to set one up. Is there any website that anyone would recommend? Here was the stock list I was planning on having... -6 cardinal tetras -3 green corydoras -mabye a pair of some larger fish, rasboras? rainbowfish? -2...
  7. samurai_sushi


    Awsome anemone, you should try and get a picture of the anemone shrimp.
  8. samurai_sushi

    Looking for an outgoing fish

    Just thought I'd respond and thank everyone for helping. Dempsey I have tried a six-line before and it murdered everything...from shrimp to my clownfish. A little wary of them now Kynekke I already have a bicolor blenny so if a got a LM they would probobly fight over territory. Alexmir thanks...
  9. samurai_sushi

    red kelp question

    You could try tying it down to a rock with a rubber band, that's what some fraggers do with coral. Also would you mind posting a picture? I'm thinking of getting some myself. The web might be vermatid (sp) snails, very annoying but wont cause any harm.
  10. samurai_sushi

    Looking for an outgoing fish

    I'm trying to find a good fish that will stay out in the open instead of hide like my bicolor blenny... Along with him, I have 2 percs. I also plan on getting a green clown goby, neon goby, and coral beauty. It's a 55 gallon and I do run a protein skimmer and do I try to do 10% water changes...
  11. samurai_sushi

    Filter Feeders

    Right now I have a porcelain crab and a feather duster. I've just been adding a squirt of Cyclopeeze to the tank once a week. Am I supposed to thaw the stuff out in some tankwater first and should i turn the skimmer off when feeding cyclops? Also is the stuff in it actually alive? I'm...
  12. samurai_sushi

    Feather Duster Worm

    Ok this is going to be hard to explain. I have a black and white hawaiian feather duster that I've had for around 3 weeks now. I keep him inside this small cave of LR and put the opening of his tube out the entrance to it, because it faces the front of the tank and gets flow from a Maxi-Jet...
  13. samurai_sushi

    Would it be pushing it to...?

    Order a neon goby, green clown goby, and a blackcapped basslet from here in the same order? I just mainly want the boxing crabs available right now. I know you generally shouldn't add that much fish at once, but the gobies barely count for anything bioload wise from what I've been told. I do...
  14. samurai_sushi

    Does this order look ok?

    Ok right now I have 25-30 pounds of LR in a 55 gallon with a protein skimmer. I have around a 2-3 inch sandbed. In it are 2 clowns, a bicolor blenny, 2 fire shrimp, and some assorted small inverts. Here is what I was planning on ordering... -2 cleaner shrimp -boxing crab (I never see these...
  15. samurai_sushi

    Stocking a 55

    So if I scratch the lobster everything could work out? When I get some t-5's I'm just going softies & LPS.
  16. samurai_sushi

    Stocking a 55

    Ok my tank is around a year old, I've just never really gotten to fully stocking it. I do plan on eventually upgrading my lights (fluorescent) to t-5's when I get the money. My SB is about 3 inches deep and I have around 25-30 pounds of LR in it. I do plan on adding at least another 20 pounds...
  17. samurai_sushi

    I need to know

    Sure you're not thinking of mandarins? Scooter blennies only eat copepods but real blennies like bicolors or lawnmowers graze algae and will also eat meaty foods. My bicolor loves formula 1 and I see him grazing here and there.