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  1. samurai_sushi

    Decorative Macroalgae?

    Does anyone have any idea for macroalgae in my DT that won't spread like weeds? I was thinking either Red Kelp or Maiden's Hair. Either of those good?
  2. samurai_sushi

    Green Sea Grapes (Pic) - Opinions?

    How fast does it grow? I'm looking to add some type of macroalgae to my future reef and the only one I have heard doesn't go white is chaeto, and it's not the prettiest stuff. Also how often do you trim it?
  3. samurai_sushi

    stupid ice

    Yeah I used to live in OK before I moved to Texas. Its annoying though, right after I left all these ice storms start hitting OK, and here in Houston people tell me in school they have never seen snow... My friend from Oklahoma gave me a call telling me how all the roads are covered in ice...
  4. samurai_sushi

    Testing kits and refractometer

    How long will it take before Salifert test results start becoming unreliable?
  5. samurai_sushi

    Always wondered this...Biology question

    Wow didn't think this would cause so much controversy. I'm going to go change the first post so no one else takes it the wrong way. Also, this is just something I have always wondered, just as the title says.
  6. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What do you have in your tank for water movement? Do you use powerheads? Do you pour the water from your lfs directly into the tank? If you do then start adding it to a bucket with a small powerhead. Mix it for 24hrs then check the ph. If it needs a buffer, add it...
  7. samurai_sushi

    Always wondered this...Biology question

    *EDIT* How come Insects, Arachnids, Myriapods, and Amphibians aren't established or found in saltwater? Why are Crustaceans established in saltwater but the other three are not? How come the more aquactic Amphibians cannot live in marine environments but Reptiles with more terestrial cousins...
  8. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    Little update... Sorry for double post Checked my pH, it is now around 7.9 so it is slowly rising. The color is just a shade below the 8.0 color on my Salifert color scale. My salinity is around 1.028 SG and PPT is around 37. I am using a refractometer from SWfish and I believe I calibrated it...
  9. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    Hmm I do top of with distilled water (from an H-E-B) every week or two, about 5 or less gallons. However, the low pH might be due to water changes. I had no idea that pH was effected by water changes that much, when I do change my water I use water from a LFS store that I have recieved good...
  10. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    Just thought I'd post some good news, the shrimp gobbled down some Formula 1 so I think that he is recovering. He is pretty much behaving normally, he just wobbles alot because he only has the 3 legs.
  11. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    I have no real clue how it got so low. My test kits might not be right considering they're a year old. Is the buffer I'm using good? Also can my shrimp recover?
  12. samurai_sushi

    Can low pH cause a bad molt?

    I have this small, mabye 1 1/2 in. fire shrimp who right now is missing three legs. I have seen his molt lying on one side of the tank so I concluded two things... 1. My pH, which when I checked was 7.7.... messed with his molt. or 2. His "Mate" attacked him after he molted. The reason I...
  13. samurai_sushi

    do you have a stingray?

    Try the aggressive forums. Also, I would only reccomend the smallest, youngest stingrays in 180 gallons, and even then that would be minimum.
  14. samurai_sushi

    eureeka! found the right setting on my camera!

    Nice! Could you post a picture of those neon green clove polyps?
  15. samurai_sushi

    pics of my Yellowtail Demoiselle

    Nice! I want one too but I'm kinda worried wether it would go all evil on my other fish.
  16. samurai_sushi

    T5 Nova Extremes?

    So what do individual reflectors do that makes them so much more expensive? Do you think that just getting an MH fixture would be cheaper?
  17. samurai_sushi

    T5 Nova Extremes?

    How good are these lamps? They were recommended to me and I've just started checking them out. I have a standard 55 gallon so I'm planing on getting the 48" fixture with 4x54 watt lamps. I'm looking to mainly keep softies and LPS with this in my tank. Thanks for the advice.
  18. samurai_sushi

    Fire Shrimp

    Nothing bad at all. I would rather have the normal cleaner shrimp though because they are out more and tend to try and clean things more. Fire shrimp start out really shy, but the pair that I just got are starting to open up more with some spot feedings.
  19. samurai_sushi

    55 reef diary

    What kind of lights are those? Nice start also.
  20. samurai_sushi

    lettuce seaslug longevity?

    Yeah SWfish lists them under nudibranchs but they really are in the sea slug family (not much of a difference). The main reason they don't live long is because they always seem to find a way into powerheads. I have heard somewhere that if they eat enough algae, they will start using...