Search results

  1. samurai_sushi

    ..UPSIDE down Jellyfish...

    Don't know much, but the only real thing keeping them from being reef safe is the fact that they don't fasten to anything. This means that powerheads that most reef tanks require would blow them around, stressing them out, causing them to sting other corals, and in the end shredding them up...
  2. samurai_sushi

    Have tickets to 12:01am show to BATMAN T.D.K is that too nerdy? lol

    Awsome movie, I loved the "Disappearing Pen" trick.
  3. samurai_sushi

    Peppermint Shrimp

    I really like the look of Peppermint Shrimp but will they eat my tiny feather dusters in my rockwork? I like those as well. If I just feed the shrimp every day do you think they will leave the worms alone? Thanks
  4. samurai_sushi

    Anemone hitchhiker - not aptaisia

    Whitebird/Rostato yeah it looks just like those. 100inNC I'm Googling that name now. Today it looks like it's trying to split. EDIT 100inNC that's exactly it actually, just mine looks a little paler. So if I'm understanding this right it's mostly harmless?
  5. samurai_sushi

    Anemone hitchhiker - not aptaisia

    Sorry but I don't have a picture. The tentacles are completely clear, and at the ends are these tiny balls, which are a peach coloer. The base of the anemone when it shrank into a ball was a light orange color. I really doubt it's majano because of how transparent it is. It's tentacles...
  6. samurai_sushi

    Sand Sifting Crabs

    Hello SWF, I'm interested in buying a sand sifting crab under your Crabs section. The only problem is that my tank probobly won't be able to sustain five of the buggers, and I don't wan't to just ditch or kill the other four. Is there any way to just get one in on my next order? Thanks for...
  7. samurai_sushi

    Blood Shrimp vs. Cleaner Shrimp

    I've got one of each in a 55 with no problems so far.
  8. samurai_sushi

    Cool fish safe invertebrates?

    If it's shrimp your looking for, go for either a plain cleaner shrimp or a scarlet shrimp. The scarlets are brighter, but they also like to hide more. On the other hand, my cleaner always flies on my arm when I'm doing maintenance to clean me. I also have a scarlet, and he's been becoming...
  9. samurai_sushi

    ghost shrimp

    I'm pretty sure they're different.
  10. samurai_sushi

    What is the weirdest fruit that you love?

    Originally Posted by DarkMoon Pitaya or yellow dragon fruit. Never seen in here in the States, though... Darkmoon just curious, but do those taste better than the common red skinned dragon fruit? I'm looking into getting a Pitaya plant and the yellow fruit plant is one of my options.
  11. samurai_sushi

    Need help with Conches

    Ok I'm looking into a conch but I want one that will stay small and keep my sand stirred. I was recommended a Persian Sand Conch but SWfish quit selling those. Would an aquacultured fighting conch work? I have a 55 gallon tank also. Thanks
  12. samurai_sushi

    Lettuce Nudibranch Poison.

    Shrimpi is there any kind of algae I can just buy from the store to feed him? Like Caulerpa or something else. I want one but I really don't have any briopsis which is what most people seem to get them for. Thanks
  13. samurai_sushi

    Sargassum...Not the trigger.

    Kinda looks like a frogfish. I have no clue how to care for them though.
  14. samurai_sushi

    Dolphin Olympics!

  15. samurai_sushi

    close to oklahoma

    Used to be from Bartlesville which is just a ways from Tulsa, still miss it also. Now I'm stuck right outside Houston, Texas where nobody can drive worth anything. And I still wear my Sooners shirt in public.
  16. samurai_sushi

    close to oklahoma

    Double post, please delete
  17. samurai_sushi

    Need some Green Thumb advice

    Mabye last month with some miracle grow, the little sticks you push in the ground and then put water on. Should I do it more consistantly?
  18. samurai_sushi

    Need some Green Thumb advice

    Well apparently this was a record in low temperature in South Texas, but almost every day I would take the tree inside at night to avoid the cold. Also, I try to make sure it's soil is at least damp, but I may have missed some times. I looked up online and an article said that it should...
  19. samurai_sushi

    Need some Green Thumb advice

    Ok right now I have a dwarf tangerine tree. It's had pretty good growth but it's leaves, mainly the old ones on the bottom, have slowly been turning yellow. I've looked all around the neighborhoods and other people's dwarf citrus trees are also turning yellow, but look alot worse. Is there...
  20. samurai_sushi

    peppermint and camelback shrimp

    I see no problem but they've been known to eat corals/anemones/feather dusters/etc.