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  1. samurai_sushi

    Green Wrasse

    Hello SWF I'm interested in your Green Wrasses, but I haven't been able to find any info on them. Would one be safe with shrimp as small as peppermints? Other than that I have 2 clowns, a feather duster, and a porcelein crab in a 55. Thanks for the help.
  2. samurai_sushi

    I list of hitchikers

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Asterina starfish aren't bad. They are good. Agreed, the few in my tank keep my glass clean of algae and film.
  3. samurai_sushi

    Green Wrasse from this sight

    Does anyone have any info on it? I don't know wrasses very well but it looks like a type of coris wrasse? I have a 55 w/ 2 clowns, various shrimp, and a feather duster.
  4. samurai_sushi

    ID on my creature

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 That's freaking huge. Did you post this in the "Most Disgusting Hitchhiker" thread. I think you may have a winner. You should look up SteaveWeast's worm... that thing was horrible
  5. samurai_sushi

    ID on my creature

    It has 8 bumps right? I'm pretty sure its a chiton. I had one exactly like yours but it somehow went carpet surfing and dried up... Anywho they're harmless algae grazers.
  6. samurai_sushi

    ID Help

    Vermatid (sp) snails?
  7. samurai_sushi

    crazy question?

    I guess you could do that considering it's florida waters, but take in mind most crabs are opportunistic feeders and will readily eat anything. Now if your talking about hermits or sand fleas I think you should be fine.
  8. samurai_sushi

    Clownfish in Featherduster

    Is it ok if my Feather duster hosts my clown fish? It hasn't shown any signs of stress but I just wanted to make sure. I have no corals so it's the only place that the fish seems to like. Thanks
  9. samurai_sushi

    Houston Area Reefers?

    I live in Katy and have a 55 FOWLR. I hear there's a group called MARSHreef or something that consists of Houston Reefers. You could check that out.
  10. samurai_sushi

    Hooded Crabs

    No one? They're also called Sponge Crabs...
  11. samurai_sushi

    Hooded Crabs

    Has anyone heard of them? I'm kinda interested in one and I was wondering if they where reef safe? Thanks
  12. samurai_sushi

    To some of the regulars... LET'S SEE YOUR TANK!!!

    Spanko what kind of damsel is that?
  13. samurai_sushi

    Snail ID

    The bivalves kinda look like mussels.
  14. samurai_sushi

    Sand bed

    Thanks all, it's always good to hear positive news about your tank. I was wondering about the stars because I have a feather duster and the larvae could help feed him.
  15. samurai_sushi

    Sand bed

    Hi all I just have some quick qustions on my sand bed and the fauna. The first is, is it ok for it to have tiny bubbles under it? I counted around 15 total, they're about half the size of a pea. My second question is, are copepods and isopods to small to really notice? I see a bunch of...
  16. samurai_sushi

    Feeder Shrimp

    Thanks for the help and answers everyone.
  17. samurai_sushi

    Feeder Shrimp

    I'm just wondering, are the ghost feeder shrimp everyone uses to feed picky fish the same that you can buy for a freshwater aquarium, or are they actually marine animals?
  18. samurai_sushi

    A few pictures of my 100 g

    Originally Posted by Tarrahsmom The filter is the xp3 I was told the green fish was a coris wrasse? It's not the green wrasse listed in the fish section is it? I've been wanting a green fish for my tank and chromis always die on me.
  19. samurai_sushi

    A few pictures of my 100 g

    In picture 4 is that green fish a chromis or something else?