Search results

  1. zafirablanca

    Cold Tank!

    Yep, your heater is not doing its job. Replace it with a Ebo-Jager or a Titanium. The heater will have an internal thermostat that should kick on as needed, and obviously keep the water temp maintained at night when the lights are off and the house temp is low. Be sure to have a large enough...
  2. zafirablanca

    Glass tops on or off?

    There was a thread similar to this one not so long ago. It got alot of replies and the overwhelming response was that for various reasons most people do not cover their aquariums. They just hang the lights over the water. Try a forum search to see the opinions for yourself. It was a very...
  3. zafirablanca

    Advice for saltwater "wanna-be"

    pigeoncreek1, Your welcome! ;) Jason180sx, Try this site for some nice information on all the basics that you'll need to know: Keep in touch with this site, you will get alot of information and opinions. Be sure to hear from a few different people to...
  4. zafirablanca

    Ecosytem vs protein skimmer

    I agree, skimmer plus rufugium/ ecosystem.:)
  5. zafirablanca

    What to clean a used tank with?

    It is probably mineral deposit from water/ hard water residue. There is a special lime/ deposit remover just for aquariums, I can't remember the name of it right now. I Used CLR on my 20 gallon and rinsed it super good many, many times. Seems fine so far, but the special aquarium kind would...
  6. zafirablanca

    Lettuce Nudi

    I believe that the danger is that they will pollute your tank if they die. So be sure that you have a nice, stable and mature tank to put them in.
  7. zafirablanca

    Advice for saltwater "wanna-be"

    Once you add live rock, that will be your home/ source of biological filtration. Bioballs are just an artificial method biofiltration, most commonly used in fish only tanks with little or no live rock. You can start with the bioballs to give your system a jump start, but them just take them...
  8. zafirablanca

    an excellent book for beginners

    I love that book. Mine is falling apart at the seams. I like to page through it at night when I am relaxing in bed.:)
  9. zafirablanca

    Refugium Question

    Will this be a refugium / sump combo, or a straight-up sump? If it is just a refugium, I wouldn't see much need for baffles. A plain fuge would have slow enough flow to not cause much bubble problems. Baffles just help knock the air bubbles out of water that has been well oxygenated, usually...
  10. zafirablanca

    Refugium inhabitants.

    Lori, I don't belong to a club yet, but I hear there is one. I have gone to A World of Fish and Something Fishy in Richfield. I find them expensive and somewhat hard to deal with. I think that I will pretty much go online from now on. Much better prices for sure. How about you? -Christine
  11. zafirablanca

    Refugium inhabitants.

    I wouldn't keep the inverts in your refugium, I belive that they are better off in your 125 gallon tank. Your star would certainly have a better area to work with as far as food. Probably ditto with the urchin. Bang guy is the refugium expert and he recommends only bug and worm type...
  12. zafirablanca

    How big to drill hole in overflow?

    I don't know exactly how to help you except to tell you to try and get some feedback from one of these guys: Broomer - has technical answers for technical questions Bang Guy - has a HUGE refugium in his garage (or basement?). He built it himself, so he probably has been there with the plumbing...
  13. zafirablanca

    Recommendations on return pump

    I like my Dolphin pump so far. :D I have a Dolphin DP 900 for my 125 gallon tank with 2 overflows. The overflows are rated at up to 600 gph each and my pump easily overpowers them even though it is rated 900 gph. This pump is much more powerful than I expected and very quiet. I am happy...
  14. zafirablanca

    need some help with a refugium/sump

    Try this site for a good look at a similar set-up: Its under 'hardware', 'sump configuration' Hope this helps! Good Luck -Christine :)
  15. zafirablanca

    DIY sump.....questions

    I just bought 1/4" plexiglass sheet from Home Depot, bought a cheap scoring knife to cut it into the right sizes and siliconed them into place in my sump. You can use a book or two to hold them in place as they dry, if needed. I put them into a used 20 gallon tall glass aquarium (my sump). I...
  16. zafirablanca

    Looking to build sump/fuge

    Mage, What you set up will in part depend on what you have/ intend to have in your display tank. Is this a fish only, fish only with live rock or reef tank? The amount of live rock and live sand you will have in your display tank will influence whether or not you need/ want bio media (such as...
  17. zafirablanca

    Bang, or DSB person... DSB in sump?

    Some people like to build a refugium in their sump by installing a series of baffles (sumpugium ;) ).. You should have enough room with a 55 gallon to do this if you wish. Try looking at this site for ideas: Look under 'hardware' then 'sump configuration' I...
  18. zafirablanca

    Powerhead recommendations?

    People on this board seem to love Maxi-jets. I have some and am happy. You can find some on e-Bay for a great price. I think you may be interested in the Maxi-jet 1200. Hope this helps, Good Luck. -Christine :)
  19. zafirablanca


    How is fishy doing?
  20. zafirablanca

    diy refugium help please

    No baffles necessary in a refugium. Baffles do not slow down the flow, they just cause the water to hit various surfaces to force bubbles to rise out of the water. If you feed the refugium with the proper flow, you will not have a bubble problem. Baffles can also be used to seperate the...