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  1. d-dzel

    My Purple and Blue Hornets

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 My Blue Hornet gettin in a baby polyp: ....and i think my Purple is too, couldnt get a good pic: That's one sick colored zoa!!! Wish I could find some like this one. Care to sell a poly when there's more?
  2. d-dzel

    live rock turning white

    Mine was the purple one. When I bought the live rock, it was covered with purple coraline and it all died and turned white. Then over the next weeks it started coming back again. I'm not sure why it dies(maybe some else might help here), but it will come back
  3. d-dzel

    Red Sea Prizm Deluxe questions

    I'm considering getting one of these fairly cheap. Does anyone have any input on these? I'll be using it on a 55g reef tank and wanted to know if it was good enough. Thanks!
  4. d-dzel

    live rock turning white

    how long has you tank been set-up for? I ask because if it's fairly new, then it's the algae dying. AT least that's what happened with my coraline algae, it turned white and then came back again. But I don't know if it'll be the same for the green that you mention
  5. d-dzel

    Some new pictures..

    Your corals simply look amazing!!! What type of camera do you use? Specs? Those are some nice looking pics
  6. d-dzel

    Who Has the Coolest Car!

    My pretty 09' Lancer
  7. d-dzel

    Upgrading from 55g to a 75g?

    Originally Posted by It's Chuck Believe it or not but that extra 5 inches of width will make a big difference. I would definitely do it and just pick up and overflow box for it I probably will do, mostly because I could use that extra space to have more floor space in front of the tank...
  8. d-dzel

    Upgrading from 55g to a 75g?

    Originally Posted by pbnj Normally I'd say why even bother (going from 55 to 75), but for $60, why not. That's what I was thinking. I could always use my 55g as a sump
  9. d-dzel

    Upgrading from 55g to a 75g?

    I was wondering how big would be a difference upgrading like this? This is the pros I got so far: -A couple of inches more of space to work with -More water -More space to hide equipment -Before setting the 75g, I would drill it to have overflows into sump(which I currently do not have) Now...
  10. d-dzel

    think i found some pods!

    Originally Posted by goinbroke trying to figure out how my snails keep getting in my overflow last night and had a pleasant discovery! my overflow is filled with what i think are pods. there are some rather largfe ones. almost look like they have a semi-circle hard shell on them and i could see...
  11. d-dzel

    Name this Clown Fish!

    I'll name him...Pietro! Just kidding, but nice clown
  12. d-dzel

    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit ANY GOOD?

    In my opinion..NOOOOOOO! I got this one as a Christmas present and the overall design was..I don't know, it just didn't look right. The one I had was leaking from the trim on top and there's really not that much space in it(I had the 29g one). After that I had to return in and I got the 29g...
  13. d-dzel

    Before & after corals pics. And a new favorite!

    Originally Posted by meowzer Yes, very nice...I have been looking at them too...maybe for my 29g... I say go for it!
  14. d-dzel

    Before & after corals pics. And a new favorite!

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 sweet duncans..i just got some duncans myself with over 20 heads.. Nice find! Wish I had that many. Perhaps they'll grow pretty quick in my tank
  15. d-dzel

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    Wow, that's an awesome tank! Wish I had money to buy something like that. What kind of bulbs are you running? That's going to be one sick looking tank
  16. d-dzel

    Before & after corals pics. And a new favorite!

    Originally Posted by CedarReef Awesome corals! You're dead on about the duncans. They like moderate light and low/moderate flow. Bottom should be perfect. Thanks! Originally Posted by loopy101 duncans. are they also called wisker coral? a lfs had them for sale but they called them wisker...
  17. d-dzel

    Cleaning Live Rock

    I've been using a toothbrush and it's been working fine for me
  18. d-dzel

    Before & after corals pics. And a new favorite!

    I had this "Unknown" type of palys' that's spreading like crazy when I had it it was like this: And now after 2 months it's like this(there's about 35-40 heads if counting the tiny ones): My colony of zoas when it barely opened up: And now: My little tiny anemone that was a bit smaller than...
  19. d-dzel

    Which angelfish

    Originally Posted by nycbob what is ur setup? flame angels look nicer btw. +1 on the flame angel! I have one and I live it. he doesn't pick on any corals and doesn't seem to bother any other fish either
  20. d-dzel

    lighting question

    Originally Posted by saylor thanks for the pic. that answers about 17 of my million newb questions :) No problem! Originally Posted by woody189 So I'm assuming the 48" is at least 2 bulbs right? If so than okay. I thought you were planning on buying 1 stronger MH bulb and placing it in the...